I am cleaning up my disaster area..... and wow, that is a full time job - BUT!! (and this is exciting!!) I found more of a purple I thought I was out of - and it will make the best binding for a quilt I got back from my quilter!!! I knew I had two strip pieces, enough to start a binding but not even close to enough to do the quilt. I had already put a couple smaller pieces of fabric close the right color, to make a 'scrappy binding', in a pile to use when I did get down to makeing this binding - BUT - I did not realize till I just moved a pile of fabrics, that I have a large piece of the fabric I wanted to use!!!!! I now have enough to bind my quilt!!! And probably left overs... ( could I make a pillow case?? Okay Brenda, lets not go crazy here!!! lol!) My weekend project - bind this quilt!!
And keep organzing this room. Organizing will win out over binding the quilt - I need to get it cleaned up so I have room to do the cutting I have to do. But, I am so happy to have found that material!!!

That is one of my sewing "problems" - I want to see what it looks like live and in person, so I have to try one myself...... but problems arise when you don't finish or just move on to something else when you bought enough materials to make a few more....... I am done with clutter.
Right now, I am cutting up my bits and pieces into Bonnie Hunters Scrap Savers system. Some of my pieces that I am making, I am woundering when/if I will use them - BUT - since I do use Bonnie's patterns, I am sure, since she cuts these sizes that she also designs for them!! They will get used.
I was at my LQS today (we have one now in town now. She has been here awhile, but I do forget she's here.....!) and since she knows me, she asked me if I had any scraps to give to the store as a donation. When I told her what I was doing with my scraps, she kinda laughed and said, "People that do that never use them".... Well, I guess I really didn't like the little laugh that followed this statement. I will use them - maybe not all of them, but, I do scrap quilts. Scrappy is my preference - I love the look of them and how much fun I have making them. (okay, the tops!!! I am working on the finishing okay!!!) And if/when I do find I have to many, I will gladly donate to anyone who wants/needs them.
Guess what else I have started and it's so much fun??!! I have joined an Aqua class at a pool!! I feel like a 5 year old in the 'big' pool, splashing around and laughing!!! And I met a fellow quilter last night!!! We kept talking and sharing stories as we spashed around and at the end, we shared phone numbers!! I think that is great!!! We had seen each other in the pool, but didn't really talk until last night!
2 questions for you: 1) is fleece a good backing fabric to use for our quilts??? She used it and asked me what I thought. Well, I've never used it for a backing, never thought about it - I always think fannel when I am thinking of quilts, so I want to know what you think...
and 2) even though my new 'rule' is not to start anything new, uhem, uh, well, when a person is cutting up their scraps into useable pieces, so they can clean up their area, is, uh, well, cutting up said fabrics for certain future project, well, is that 'starting something' or is it just being smart???
(please say smart, please say smart, oh my, please say I am not being bad....!) ;-)
Okay all my friends out there in this wounderful world, have yourself a very Happy Easter!!! May the bunny be good to you and your hunt bring you all the treasure you want!! Don't over do it on the eggs but make them all the prettiest ones you've ever seen!!! And if you are lucky in the weather department like the news has said we will be, may the sun shine bright on you all weekend too!!!!
It has been a slow spring, but I am sure liking it when I can sit outside on a chair and not get cold!! And I put up a bird house.... fingers crossed on this one. I had a house in the same spot and birds would come check it out, but not move in..... it was plastic. This one, it's wood. I hope someone likes it 'cause I loved having birds in my yard!
I am changing habits and loving life!! How are you?!!! Love ya!! ~Brenda!!