What I don't have a pic of is my FINISHED Orca quilt from Bonnie Hunters mystery. Yes, it's done and within a day or two of it being done, I had it and the backing I made for it, at my quilters - in time for the free batting special she had last month!!! That was my goal, and I made it!!!!
This is the first time I have made a top that fast and into the quilters - normally it's a year or so (if ever....) that they go to be quilted.....

So this is the way it will look next year when I hang it on my wall. This was a class my guild had years ago and now, it's done.
I liked this so much I thought I would do another one - well, I have the pattern but I don't think I will be using it...
Here is a close up of the winter scene.
And this here is my UFO plan for this month. Yes, Halloween. Small wall hanging - and all they need is to be sewn - applique style and they are done. Easy to do? Yes. Take much time? No, they are quick projects. How long have they been waiting?
Uh, onto other things now.........
In answer to that question, to long. Years again....
And this is a Swoon blk!! Have you hear of these?? Well, it's a 24" blk, that make up pretty fast and looks kinda neat IF you don't use pattern for the back ground!!!! I keep wanting to 'fix' it, but I am going to leave it alone!!! The butterflies are flying among the lilac leaves and flowers and I am not touching it to make the background white!!! That would show up the pattern better and make the blk 'better', but what if it doesn't??
And so, I am leaving it as is and using it for the backing if I ever make a quilt out of it!!!
I just wanted to see what a 24" blk looked like and how it would come together. Looks fine and came together easily and it was fun to do.
And this is my Block of the Month.
This is #1.
Made from Stonehenge fabrics and I like it. It comes in two colour ways but the other colour - well, I found it bright and gaudy - I did not like it at all. This I find calming and for some reason makes me think of a castle.......
And this is the 2nd blk of the series. actually bought the template pk for this one. I have never used templates before and well, besides the orange stripe in the corner blks, I really did not need them. I wish they would give you a choice on this, but they only give you templates. Paper ones that come with the pattern, then you have the option of buying the heavy plastic ones for the project. The templates are from Marti Michell - the Perfect Patchwork Templates.
The project is 'Stonehenge Meets Jamestown'
It will be 12 blks with log cabins in there too, and it looks nice. It is an 82" by 106" quilt - so it's not tiny but not HUGE either..... like the BOM I found on-line last night!!! It's called 'Through the Woods" and it's a free project as long as you don't miss a month, which, since I just learned about it, I did - but its only a $3 cost and yes, I did pay for it - it's the center star blk and I like it!!! Love those kinds of blks - so pretty and just, well, I like them!
So, as long as you print the pattern in the month it's offered, this is a free BOM!! Just don't think about the cost of the fabrics in this thing or the cost of thread, or that, yes,even though you do get options on the size of project you want to make - the pattern is for a KING sized quilt!!! But I like it - even with the applique on it! (although that did make me pause for a minute or two....)
My next thing is my Goal List for the MONTH!!
Fran's BOM blks 1 & 2- Make up Gemini kit (counted the other day, almost done!!
- Clean up scraps. (this is on going - I will never be done, but I will keep at it!!)
- Coffee Quilt - FINSIH!! I have to get my border finished and sewn on.... not sure how close I am, but I will keep working on this project. I hope it looks like I want it too!?!
- Grinch pillowcase
- Christmas tree skirt
- UFO - Halloween - orange witch and Frankenstein (shown above!)
- Leader & Enders - with a purpose. I am now sewing blue/neutral squares together because I LOVE the Blue Ridge Beauty found on page 23 of Bonnie Hunters "leader/Enders" book, and I want to make one. Have loved it since I first saw it, but now, it's time to work on creating one with my scraps.
- Double Delight - another of Bonnie's mysteries which only needs the last borders on it. The reason for the delay? I was not happy to see two identical triangles touching in the last row I put on - I did not want that!! So, I thought I would replace one... uh, did not happen and now, I am fine with it!! It will not be in a show and who cares?? It's my quilt, made for fun and now I want it DONE!!!
This is a pretty big list - and that is another reason why I need to make sure I do not start either of these patterns!!! They both are talking to me at night (when I am at my weakest!!) and no, I just can not start either of you right now!!!! But I want to - oh how I want to.... But I WON'T!!! That would go against my plan of getting my room cleared up of all my past starts and not finishes!!! I do not want to carry that on this year. So the starting stops here!!! Yin Yang and Crooked Mile - you are just going to have to wait your turn! (And I also want to be prepared for these projects, not jump in with two feet and realize there is no water in the pool!!!)
So this is my Month of March!! Projects like a lion, but hopefully all done so they can leave my room like a lamb!!!! (tree skirt is something I am not sure of though.... that might be on the list next month too......)