Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I am at work- shhhhhh, don't tell anyone I am on the computer!!
I have sewn every day since the 1st!! Even last night, when I realized at 9 that I hadn't yet, and hubby gave me a neo-citran (the one that helps you sleep!!!), I still managed to get up and get in there and sew!! Oh I loved it!! AND it's what I want to be doing right now!!! I am re-listening to Harry Potter book 7, and that is fun too!! When my girls come in to talk to me, they just stand there quiet, until I pause my book!!! It's funny!! They don't want to hear it, but they don't 'interupt' it either!
Well, don't go onto Bonnie Hunters blog unless you want to buy books!! lol!!
Yup, guess what I've done here at work since it's so quiet!? And I told myself " No NEW BOOKS OR PATTERNS!!!!" I have way more than a person needs - and I want to do them ALL!!! So, I will pretend it wasn't me who got them!!
I want to quilt words... why?? I just like them!!! (now, will I make words or just look at the book.......) And I also got the next Scraps and Shirtails book........ So, along with all my other on-the-go-projects, I have two more books to get those creative juices flowing!!!
Fun that I can come on here and see what is going on...... I have already read all the new posts on my blog list. Enjoyed the pictures and the stories. I should not have let myself know I can do this!! lol!! Ah, it's made a slow day alot of fun!! Have yourself a great sewing day - it's Tuesday! What else are you going to do???? Well, whatever it is, make a memory!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Oh Happy Day!!

Also, while I am sewing away, I run out of bobbin thread!! Not a big deal, but I mean, I am out of bobbin thread!!! I had to stop make one! This is unusual for me - when I get low, I sit down and make a whole bunch at once!!! You know those donut bobbin holders - I fill one up when I make bobbins!!! Then I don't run out!!! Till times like yesterday, when I knew I was out, but wouldn't make one when I could. No, I have to wait till I am in the middle of (actually) sewing, before I make the time!!! Needless to say, part of my 20 mins was making bobbins. It is sewing related so it counts, but it is not what I had planned. Today, I am making more bobbins, and then I am off to the races!! It's a day off, and my cold is being nice, so I am going to spend the day -sewing.... and listening to Harry Potter book 7 (again!!). Just a nice way to spend the day. And it's snowing outside so what better place could I be.
Oh, and with the above blks - the pattern only calls for 30. I have made that and more..... and my wall is filled with pieces of blks - so I am going to make them till I've used up all the pieces. Then, I will make a twin? Two throws? Or a queen size quilt!!
I am just going to sew till I am done with it!!
On another note. Guess where I am going this Thursday??? To Orlando!! Yes! Florida!! My little sis phoned me last week and asked me if I wanted to go with her - laughing I said figure out the flights and we'll talk!! So, she did and I am going!! It was just over $400 return for me to go to Florida and come home??!! that is almost cheaper than for me to fly to Kelowna to visit her there - so yes, I am going!! And I have never been to Florida before. And in the last 20 years, I have not really gone anywhere - so this year is already starting out different!! I am going to travel!! I am a little nervous about going on my own, but I am all growd up now, so I should be okay.... lol!! Hope nobody steals me... but then again.......... kidding!!!!! Off for an adventure, first to sew then to find a new quilt shop, in another county!!! Make this year a great one!! 364 days left to make memories!!