I have been sewing and am almost caught up on my mystery. Plan was to get Step 7 done today - I will (had better!!) get a good chunk done today!! And if not, I will have it done by next Thursday!! I think we might be putting the mess of blks we've made together then and I am really looking forward to that!!
And I have been working on my ribbon Halloween blks!!

And have you ever hear of Lampe Berger?? Well, I hadn't till a few weeks ago, and then I was in my new favorite green house (yeah!!) and they have a display of these lamps. It was explained to me and I kept thinking about it... and yesterday, I bought myself one!!! This is made in France and it's a way of cleaning the air. With pretty scents or no scent at all!! My scent, for today anyway is: Creme Brulee. It is nice, although I am using it full strength, I think next time I will also add the neutral that I got with the lamp!! I like it, and some scents can give me a headache, so I was very glad that this one didn't!!

At Christmas, I could see filling my lamp with ginger or another festive flavour!! And - well, there are just so many choices! I want to get another one!!!!
I have made more letters -I do them between my blks, leader and ender style!! Soon I will have words and the wall hanging process will begin!! I am so glad that the bus trip/adventure is finally here - tomorrow!! And on my list is black fabric, so I will have more background for my project. White letters on a black background....

But I am having so much fun with them, and I will keep on!! One day I will have words in my borders and a whole hanging of words, like the 'Joy' hanging in the book! I LOVE that one and one day I just might have made on myself.......
And I received a surprise today in the mail!!! Thank-You Sandie!!!
She knows I am saving little fabrics to do a colorwash quilt. And these she has sent for my collection!! Huge Hugs to you!! Thank-You so much!! My collection is growing, and it's kinda fun to peek in there and see so many pieces - I wounder what I will eventually make. Abstract?? Scene?? Find a picture and re-do it in fabric?? I am not sure, but we will see!! This is a 'someday' project. You need alot of fabric for it - or should I say, 2" pieces for it, and one book said do not use the same fabric twice in a project, so that is definitly a future idea, but one day, it will happen!!!

And before I go, I was on Bonnie Hunter's blog today and I checked out Patchwork Posee, and yes, I joined it!! It's free to join and sounds interesting..... So, this is how I am spending my day - blog hopping and just really enjoying myself!! Now to go sew in my nice smelling room!!!