Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Book Recommendation!!

I am back.
Do you read?  I do, but I also like to listen to books and yesterday, I bought myself a present... I am the proud owner of and Ipod!!  I have never had one before, and I have been thinking about it for awhile now and I picked one up!
Well, my daughters are each 'helping' me figure this thing out!!!  I ended up with my 'libray' of books loading on it today!!!  I thought I didn't want that - BUT - I am right now listening to a book I have not listened to before - and I am laughing!!  So, I am on here to tell you to check it out!!
I got it off of Audible - and I was going to stop my subscription, but now, I am thinking it's a good thing!!
This book is called: "The Power of Joy" by Christiane Northrup M.D.
"How the deliberate pursuit of pleasure can heal your life"

hmmmm, my 'book' just did its own funky thing - is it starting over or - I don't know!!! this is why I thought having it on an MP3 thing might work better than the CD's I've tried to burn.... on the CD's the books seemed to be all mixed up - now it seems to have done it again., Yes, it has restarted!  And I don't think I have the whole book......  Well, what I did have was really good - and once I figure this out (I hope I do!!!_)  I know I will enjoy the whole book!! I think I might just get myself a 'hard' copy!!

Going again!!  Bye!!

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