Yes, it has been snowing all day - freezing rain at first, then snow that does not seem to want to stop. But that is okay I guess.... Better than, what???? uh, I am not sure. Snow is pretty, but - oh I thought of something!! Better than it being too cold to snow!!!! Yes, this does happen so , lets move on!
I did some web surfing yesterday and went to Superior Threads and loved it!! They have video's to watch - finally made myself stop after 3 or 4 or them, but I could have kept going!! And they have a 'Thread Club" where they send you new thread every month! And you get to pick the thread pkg you want sent!?? Never had heard of this before, but if and when I ever sew enough that I am going through thread that fast, I will consider it!! Like the embroidery thread club. That could work!!!
Halloween did not have as many kids as usual, Maybe these kids got used to the 'warm' Halloweens we've had the last couple years and did not want to go out in the cold, windy, snowy night for candy!! So, I have candy left over..... and yes, I have taken a few. One last night, that was my first - and 3 today, so far.......
They are good with my tea so I am not going to apologize!! And my fitness class got cancelled because of the road conditions so, what else is a girl to do to drown her sorrows??? Drink tea and eat Halloween chocolate bars (so now you know how little they are!!) and come see what is new on the internet!!
And these pictures are MORE scraps I have found as I clean up my room. While I am not really doing anything today, should be cutting off the little dog ears and putting them into my big scrap bin I have found - or crumb bin I mean. The scraps bin is for pieces I will be cutting into useable sizes - these are already together, they can be made into crumb blks!
Not the orange and green though. They have been made into small blks, pinwheel type, and since I keep finding these, I will eventually make them into something!!
They are the cut off points of my stacked posies I showed in the last post! Little? Yes! But they get bigger when sewn together!!
Happy November 1st everyone!!! Less than 2 months till Christmas!! I can say that now since Halloween is over. Time to get ready!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
October. Wow - It's been awhile.....
So, this is me - kinda. I am actually not blurry, but some days, you might think I am! My friend took these at the guild meeting when I thought I should have some show & tell - I usually don't so.....
I have re-joined the guild in town. It's been 2 yrs. and I thought I should make myself to, especially in the winter months, to give myself something to do. And I will see what I think after June when the guild year is up. I have the name of the pattern for the above quit wanting to show it's self to me, but I just can not get it! I call mine "January Sunshine" since I started it in January '09 and it was COLD and yucky and so I thought, I will make it out of all and any flower material I can find (I do not usually buy flowers) and make all the stars yellow. The backing is flannel and I love it! No label yet. I will put one on!
This quilt - wow. I do these projects in such a random order and start so many things, this is one that the pattern name TOTALLY escapes me. And another blurry pic. Well, they all are.... I will find another person to do the pics next time!! These quilts are tops that I just one day, piled up and took to my quilter. And said, "Here, Have some fun" and she did. And some of the ones she had given me are still waiting to be bound. I have a problem........
This one, is my version of "Stacked Posies"!!!! It is alien fabric, that I just fell in love with when I saw it in the store and had my friend, who was going back the next day and now it's done. Fun, and done. I am also going to make it a pillow case - someday.... Told you I have a problem. I have the fabric ready, I just have not done it yet. But 2013 - yes, it will happen.
This is my retreat quilt I made years ago!!! November of what year though??? I was still working at the library, the first time - so this has been waiting for 8 years to become a quilt??? Scary. And this is not the only one that has had a long fermenting period.... some are just wanting it's border to be put - Like my Bonnie Hunter - oh what is its name???? That close to being done and I can't seem to find the time to get it at least to the top stage???? I can not find the magazine this quilt came from, but I remember ordering the kit from the store for it, it is a Quilt Sampler cover quilt, and as soon as I saw it, I fell in love. I was a dream to make, and now it's done!!! Bound and all - but not labeled!!!
And now "Orca".
It is on my bed - and the funny part of it is, one night, after hubby and I had turned off the lights and were going to sleep - we heard a noise! I turned on my light and we sat and listened. Well, decided it was the animals and I shut off my light again and Terry asks me "Where is the lights coming from?" I told him it was reflecting off the quilt - then realized what I said (how can light reflect off a quilt???? Did I use some of that shiny silver fabric in there??? I did not remember using it so, I turned my light back on to see?????) Uh, guess who used Halloween fabric in the quilt that glows in the dark???!!!! Well, it's black isn't it?? Well, not at night, but hey! It worked and I had it to use!!! And it's really funny because I did not use alot of it, but little tiny triangles that glow in the dark are scattered through my quilt top!!!!
And why am I here today? Well, Frustration brought me here today. I bought myself a few more books in a Martingale sale that they had. $6 a book, s/h free if you spent $24 - well, I am all over that!! But I did only buy 4. They came in yesterday. And I looked at them. 2 I really like, one is good, but one, eh, it's alright but.. It is also a Christmas one, so very seasonal. I did find a couple things I like and one, I have already done! Just made one of the table runner from the book - I had found the pattern online, not knowing it was also a book!
But, after I looked through the books and did some dreaming - Reality hit me. When and where and WHY do I think I need to make any of these things?????? To add to my cluttered up sewing room??? So I can buy more fabric I am not using???? To feel the fire of starting a new project then see the remnants of a fire that has burned out but still needs to be finished???? To add more to my list of "Things to Do" that I still have most of these undone and this list is from 2007 - I re-wrote the list in 2008, with a note on it telling myself "DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST UNTIL U.F.O. LIST IS DONE!!!!"
It was done on the comp, then printed out. I was serious, and wanted these things DONE!! So why are there 16 things written in pen under it???? And here, in 2012, between the two lists I only see 5 things crossed off.
Granted, as I now look through the list, some of the things I wrote on there were things I want to do, not things I have already started. Although, now some of them are. And things I have not even wrote down, have been started - and I have been making kits up from my fabrics for 'someday' and I have also bought kits......
And I need to get a handle on this. And this could be why I have not been blogging. I do not want to admit that I can't do it all - but I sure think I can.
Right now, I have a shop that has given me a wicked price on a long- arm quilt machine. Uh - stop thinking about it!! I figured I could learn this skill and then, well..........
Yeah, go look in your room.
So, I am taking an embroidery class - to lean to use my machine. Well, ends up, my machine is to old to even buy the files that would fit it!! They don't make them anymore, so I have been using the stores demo model for the classes. And this is on sale right now so......
Knowing this, I went online last night to look at why I could use or why I would even want to use an embroidery machine. End up, I found cute things!!! Coaster for Christmas (yes, I do like coasters - I am basically the only one here that uses them but I do like to have one near me for my never-ending tea/coffee cup that I have!) And, I could make the cat (and dog!!) their own Christmas stocking with little critters on the front!! Oh isn't this fun???......................then I got off the site as fast as I could.
I am a dreamer. And I have to stop this madness. No excuses. Either do or do not. There is no try. And I have to DO.
I will not get a quilting machine. I will pay someone to do my big quilts and I will learn to do the smaller stuff on my machine. I keep buy the DVD on how to do it, so DO IT ALREADY!!!!
And the clutter in room??? Uh, everyday, I will work on it. I am creating the Bonnie Hunter style storage system for saving my scraps - and I like how it looks. I will be doing this for all my leftovers and I will not be putting my scraps into every nook and cranny as I am finding I have done!!!! I will pull out ANOTHER box, thinking it's a kit and it's not, it's scraps....... Enough is enough. I want to work in the rooms I see in the magazines, online, in pictures or better yet, like my friends have.... And the only one who can do it is - ME.
So, since I know dreams do come true and great things happen to people everyday - in the next two months, as I bring in the new year - my room will be ready and so will I.
Thanks for listening!!! bye for now. ~Brenda!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
My Sewing machine just Died......
I thought I would go and do some sewing today. I have a couple stressers happening today. I feel stuck in the house (rain can do that to me) and we (meaning hubby) is re-doing the upstairs bathroom.... for the past couple weeks..... And it is almost done. I do not feel like I am part of this process, more in the way, and when I make a comment or suggestion, it's like I didn't speak.... so, I thought I would go sew. As I am sewing, barley got started, Uh, what was that noise?? (I sew with headphones on, not very loud but this way I don't have to have my book or music I am listening to LOUD!!!) So, I hear a kinda grinding noise..... hmmm. That is not right. Press the petal again, yup, it made that noise again. So, on the third press (thinking I could " work through the noise" and it will stop....) uh, well, it worked I guess....... The machine, just shut off!!! BLACK SCREEN!!!! And it won't turn back on!!!! No matter how much I ask it to, or plug and re-plug things in and out!!!!! oh my.......
I do have my spare machine, but - I wanted to just sit and sew without any stress'....
This is the front of a baby quit - for no reason other than I wanted to make it! It is a coin quilt - "Stacked Coins Baby Quilt" by Amanda Jean!! I just really liked this quilt and when I saw the nickel pack - soft blues, greens, yellow, not baby/kid colours at all, I just thought it would be a great quilt to make. And I like it!! Even that wrinkly part, hmmmmm - it is there now, and I am not sure if I will/can leave it, but for now, it stays. Below is the backing. I just realized, it does not have the extra strip sewn on the bottom of the backing in this pic!! Well, when it's done done - I will show you the full pieced backing for this guy!! (Or Girl!!!!)
First you cut up strips, lots of strips, then sew them together into 6.5"x 20" (or more, what every you can get from the FQ or your length of fabric you are using. Then, after they are sewn, you cut them into pieces, mix up some a bit, then sewn on the bright strips between the original fabric strips - remaking the strips. Take a breath, grab a drink, and the next step, cut them into squares!!! THEN, this is the halfway point, you sew these squares together to create the middle of the quilt top!!
After the middle part is done, I am going to be making the borders - out of left over brights for the zinger, and the other borders are also squares and rectangles from the original black and white materials I have used in the quilt!!!
This is going to be one fun quilt!! I figure, I have made a Bonnie Hunter mystery - this is a piece of cake!! Or a jelly bean!!! ;-)
And the above book, I saw a fellow blogger making her project and she said it came from here..... I like this book!!! And NO, I am not starting anything from it.... at least not this month!!! ;-)
Okay, need to get out my travel machine, set it up and get the ol' girl into her case and she is going to the Dr's tomorrow..... Hubby thought it might be the power supply gave up the ghost. The old girl is about 13 years old.... maybe more, but not much, so..... tomorrow I will find out.
Tomorrow I am off to take the dog to the groomers and then visit with my sister for a bit. I am busy tomorrow - and now I need to go take my machine in...... I am going to make myself feel like it's HAPPY HOUR - it is still a great day!!!!!
I do have my spare machine, but - I wanted to just sit and sew without any stress'....
So, if I can't sew, let me show you some pictures instead! See! the silver lining in this black cloud!!! (hmmm, new machine coming home soon???)...... okay, pics!!!

No, no one is expecting - that I know of!! I just am finding myself looking a baby quilts lately. Probably because of the fact that I can make something, and it won't be HUGE!!! But I can still try to make the block! and try the process with an big commitment of time or fabric. And I like new things to try....
Now we have moved onto my newest start..... I know, I said I wouldn't, but I did. This is the Jelly Bean quilt from the book Accent on Angles, that I show below. I had gone to her trunk show (uh oh!!) and just had to bring this book home. I paid more for this book (yes, it's signed!!) than I normally do. I paid full quilt store price....I usually find my books online for way less..... but, I bought it!! I had to re-live the trunks show!! I liked what I saw and they are here to see again!!!!
This is one labour intensive quilt!!
First you cut up strips, lots of strips, then sew them together into 6.5"x 20" (or more, what every you can get from the FQ or your length of fabric you are using. Then, after they are sewn, you cut them into pieces, mix up some a bit, then sewn on the bright strips between the original fabric strips - remaking the strips. Take a breath, grab a drink, and the next step, cut them into squares!!! THEN, this is the halfway point, you sew these squares together to create the middle of the quilt top!!
After the middle part is done, I am going to be making the borders - out of left over brights for the zinger, and the other borders are also squares and rectangles from the original black and white materials I have used in the quilt!!!
This is going to be one fun quilt!! I figure, I have made a Bonnie Hunter mystery - this is a piece of cake!! Or a jelly bean!!! ;-)
And the above book, I saw a fellow blogger making her project and she said it came from here..... I like this book!!! And NO, I am not starting anything from it.... at least not this month!!! ;-)
Okay, need to get out my travel machine, set it up and get the ol' girl into her case and she is going to the Dr's tomorrow..... Hubby thought it might be the power supply gave up the ghost. The old girl is about 13 years old.... maybe more, but not much, so..... tomorrow I will find out.
Tomorrow I am off to take the dog to the groomers and then visit with my sister for a bit. I am busy tomorrow - and now I need to go take my machine in...... I am going to make myself feel like it's HAPPY HOUR - it is still a great day!!!!!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Thursday in March....
I have been thinking of making my 'goal' list for the month for a few days now - okay, over a week now, but I just have not done it. I have been sewing though. And I have pictures to show it too!!
What I don't have a pic of is my FINISHED Orca quilt from Bonnie Hunters mystery. Yes, it's done and within a day or two of it being done, I had it and the backing I made for it, at my quilters - in time for the free batting special she had last month!!! That was my goal, and I made it!!!!
This is the first time I have made a top that fast and into the quilters - normally it's a year or so (if ever....) that they go to be quilted.....
And that is my goal this year - FINISH WHAT I START!!! And while I am at it, finish what I have already started and get my room cleared out of things so I can move in there. And in January, I have one completed project from years ago - and when it was laying there, I noticed an area that needs to be fixed..... But it's done and that is the whole point of it.
So this is the way it will look next year when I hang it on my wall. This was a class my guild had years ago and now, it's done.
I liked this so much I thought I would do another one - well, I have the pattern but I don't think I will be using it...
Here is a close up of the winter scene.
And this here is my UFO plan for this month. Yes, Halloween. Small wall hanging - and all they need is to be sewn - applique style and they are done. Easy to do? Yes. Take much time? No, they are quick projects. How long have they been waiting?
Uh, onto other things now.........
In answer to that question, to long. Years again....
And this is a Swoon blk!! Have you hear of these?? Well, it's a 24" blk, that make up pretty fast and looks kinda neat IF you don't use pattern for the back ground!!!! I keep wanting to 'fix' it, but I am going to leave it alone!!! The butterflies are flying among the lilac leaves and flowers and I am not touching it to make the background white!!! That would show up the pattern better and make the blk 'better', but what if it doesn't??
And so, I am leaving it as is and using it for the backing if I ever make a quilt out of it!!!
I just wanted to see what a 24" blk looked like and how it would come together. Looks fine and came together easily and it was fun to do.
And this is my Block of the Month.
This is #1.
Made from Stonehenge fabrics and I like it. It comes in two colour ways but the other colour - well, I found it bright and gaudy - I did not like it at all. This I find calming and for some reason makes me think of a castle.......
And this is the 2nd blk of the series. actually bought the template pk for this one. I have never used templates before and well, besides the orange stripe in the corner blks, I really did not need them. I wish they would give you a choice on this, but they only give you templates. Paper ones that come with the pattern, then you have the option of buying the heavy plastic ones for the project. The templates are from Marti Michell - the Perfect Patchwork Templates.
The project is 'Stonehenge Meets Jamestown'
It will be 12 blks with log cabins in there too, and it looks nice. It is an 82" by 106" quilt - so it's not tiny but not HUGE either..... like the BOM I found on-line last night!!! It's called 'Through the Woods" and it's a free project as long as you don't miss a month, which, since I just learned about it, I did - but its only a $3 cost and yes, I did pay for it - it's the center star blk and I like it!!! Love those kinds of blks - so pretty and just, well, I like them!
So, as long as you print the pattern in the month it's offered, this is a free BOM!! Just don't think about the cost of the fabrics in this thing or the cost of thread, or that, yes,even though you do get options on the size of project you want to make - the pattern is for a KING sized quilt!!! But I like it - even with the applique on it! (although that did make me pause for a minute or two....)
My next thing is my Goal List for the MONTH!!
What I don't have a pic of is my FINISHED Orca quilt from Bonnie Hunters mystery. Yes, it's done and within a day or two of it being done, I had it and the backing I made for it, at my quilters - in time for the free batting special she had last month!!! That was my goal, and I made it!!!!
This is the first time I have made a top that fast and into the quilters - normally it's a year or so (if ever....) that they go to be quilted.....

So this is the way it will look next year when I hang it on my wall. This was a class my guild had years ago and now, it's done.
I liked this so much I thought I would do another one - well, I have the pattern but I don't think I will be using it...
Here is a close up of the winter scene.
And this here is my UFO plan for this month. Yes, Halloween. Small wall hanging - and all they need is to be sewn - applique style and they are done. Easy to do? Yes. Take much time? No, they are quick projects. How long have they been waiting?
Uh, onto other things now.........
In answer to that question, to long. Years again....
And this is a Swoon blk!! Have you hear of these?? Well, it's a 24" blk, that make up pretty fast and looks kinda neat IF you don't use pattern for the back ground!!!! I keep wanting to 'fix' it, but I am going to leave it alone!!! The butterflies are flying among the lilac leaves and flowers and I am not touching it to make the background white!!! That would show up the pattern better and make the blk 'better', but what if it doesn't??
And so, I am leaving it as is and using it for the backing if I ever make a quilt out of it!!!
I just wanted to see what a 24" blk looked like and how it would come together. Looks fine and came together easily and it was fun to do.
And this is my Block of the Month.
This is #1.
Made from Stonehenge fabrics and I like it. It comes in two colour ways but the other colour - well, I found it bright and gaudy - I did not like it at all. This I find calming and for some reason makes me think of a castle.......
And this is the 2nd blk of the series. actually bought the template pk for this one. I have never used templates before and well, besides the orange stripe in the corner blks, I really did not need them. I wish they would give you a choice on this, but they only give you templates. Paper ones that come with the pattern, then you have the option of buying the heavy plastic ones for the project. The templates are from Marti Michell - the Perfect Patchwork Templates.
The project is 'Stonehenge Meets Jamestown'
It will be 12 blks with log cabins in there too, and it looks nice. It is an 82" by 106" quilt - so it's not tiny but not HUGE either..... like the BOM I found on-line last night!!! It's called 'Through the Woods" and it's a free project as long as you don't miss a month, which, since I just learned about it, I did - but its only a $3 cost and yes, I did pay for it - it's the center star blk and I like it!!! Love those kinds of blks - so pretty and just, well, I like them!
So, as long as you print the pattern in the month it's offered, this is a free BOM!! Just don't think about the cost of the fabrics in this thing or the cost of thread, or that, yes,even though you do get options on the size of project you want to make - the pattern is for a KING sized quilt!!! But I like it - even with the applique on it! (although that did make me pause for a minute or two....)
My next thing is my Goal List for the MONTH!!
Fran's BOM blks 1 & 2- Make up Gemini kit (counted the other day, almost done!!
- Clean up scraps. (this is on going - I will never be done, but I will keep at it!!)
- Coffee Quilt - FINSIH!! I have to get my border finished and sewn on.... not sure how close I am, but I will keep working on this project. I hope it looks like I want it too!?!
- Grinch pillowcase
- Christmas tree skirt
- UFO - Halloween - orange witch and Frankenstein (shown above!)
- Leader & Enders - with a purpose. I am now sewing blue/neutral squares together because I LOVE the Blue Ridge Beauty found on page 23 of Bonnie Hunters "leader/Enders" book, and I want to make one. Have loved it since I first saw it, but now, it's time to work on creating one with my scraps.
- Double Delight - another of Bonnie's mysteries which only needs the last borders on it. The reason for the delay? I was not happy to see two identical triangles touching in the last row I put on - I did not want that!! So, I thought I would replace one... uh, did not happen and now, I am fine with it!! It will not be in a show and who cares?? It's my quilt, made for fun and now I want it DONE!!!
This is a pretty big list - and that is another reason why I need to make sure I do not start either of these patterns!!! They both are talking to me at night (when I am at my weakest!!) and no, I just can not start either of you right now!!!! But I want to - oh how I want to.... But I WON'T!!! That would go against my plan of getting my room cleared up of all my past starts and not finishes!!! I do not want to carry that on this year. So the starting stops here!!! Yin Yang and Crooked Mile - you are just going to have to wait your turn! (And I also want to be prepared for these projects, not jump in with two feet and realize there is no water in the pool!!!)
So this is my Month of March!! Projects like a lion, but hopefully all done so they can leave my room like a lamb!!!! (tree skirt is something I am not sure of though.... that might be on the list next month too......)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Feb. Ends....
I did not get as much stuff as I had thought I would - that is what happens when you don't sew for 2 weeks, and who's fault is that??, But, I did get Orca done!! So one thing off my list!!
(no pics - I have already taken it to my quilter!!! That is amazing in itself - but I will be posting pics ASAP!!)
And as for the border on my Halloween quilt - decided it didn't need it - so now I just have to revamp my list for tomorrow and make March the best sewing and finishing month so far this year!!! Since I have got Orca done, I am ready to rock!!!! (uh, yes, with pics - I promise!!!)
(no pics - I have already taken it to my quilter!!! That is amazing in itself - but I will be posting pics ASAP!!)
And as for the border on my Halloween quilt - decided it didn't need it - so now I just have to revamp my list for tomorrow and make March the best sewing and finishing month so far this year!!! Since I have got Orca done, I am ready to rock!!!! (uh, yes, with pics - I promise!!!)
Friday, February 24, 2012
Long time, no sew... But I am there now... kinda!
I have made myself goals - things I want done, and guess what? The month is almost over and I am not done anything... And I did not sew for over 2 weeks - that is not how we finish things, and since finishing things is not a strong point with me, I have to stick to my plan and work my goals.
Today, I am sewing. And yet, when I stopped for snack, the TV got turned on and here I am, on the computer..... Uh, this is not part of my plan either. This is not doing what I planned.....again. Hmmm. Problem.
This weekend, I am sewing ALL WEEKEND. Want to join me??? Our own personal retreat, at home, ignoring the phone and NOT TURNING ON THE TV!!! At least not until you have sewn the day away and need to unwind, or, uh, hmm, unsew something?? Then, TV is okay, but until it's to dark to sew (my room's lighting is not great and the other day, one of my lights just gave up the ghost and that does not help!!!). I have found ways to work around it, but still, I like lots of light!!! (hmmmm, sounds like a shopping trip is in the works - BUT NOT THIS WEEKEND!!)
So, I am going back to the room that I have been avoiding - and then get things done.
And I will be back to show you what I have done and the gift I received - a bookmark from a friend, which is doing it's job very well thank-you!! And the reason I came on the computer in the first place, was to find a good book to listen to while I am on this retreat.... I didn't find anything that grabbed me, so ...... I really need to find one that I can get lost in for awhile!!!
I will go look again, and then - back to sewing on Orca!! (I am close to a finished top here, so gotta keep on going......) ~bye!!
Today, I am sewing. And yet, when I stopped for snack, the TV got turned on and here I am, on the computer..... Uh, this is not part of my plan either. This is not doing what I planned.....again. Hmmm. Problem.
This weekend, I am sewing ALL WEEKEND. Want to join me??? Our own personal retreat, at home, ignoring the phone and NOT TURNING ON THE TV!!! At least not until you have sewn the day away and need to unwind, or, uh, hmm, unsew something?? Then, TV is okay, but until it's to dark to sew (my room's lighting is not great and the other day, one of my lights just gave up the ghost and that does not help!!!). I have found ways to work around it, but still, I like lots of light!!! (hmmmm, sounds like a shopping trip is in the works - BUT NOT THIS WEEKEND!!)
So, I am going back to the room that I have been avoiding - and then get things done.
And I will be back to show you what I have done and the gift I received - a bookmark from a friend, which is doing it's job very well thank-you!! And the reason I came on the computer in the first place, was to find a good book to listen to while I am on this retreat.... I didn't find anything that grabbed me, so ...... I really need to find one that I can get lost in for awhile!!!
I will go look again, and then - back to sewing on Orca!! (I am close to a finished top here, so gotta keep on going......) ~bye!!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Last Day of the Month. Good-bye January!!
I have not been sewing much. Have not been busy. I have no real reason for not being productive this month so I will go with lazy then...... The only thing I really have gotten done this month and that was just yesterday (after I took off what I had done so I could fix it and do the binding again....!!) is this. Is it done yet? Nope, but the binding is on, just needs to be sewn down. Then it's finally DONE!!!! This will be two things done - my UFO and a Christmas project.
So January's to do list is not done. Move them into February (the shortest month we have in the year!! Yeah, make a LARGE list!!!) But since it's a leap year, I am going to make use of the extra day!! (I have to!!!!)
My goal list for February:
One thing I have been thinking about is: putting a white board by my ironing board with my plans written on it. Out of sight, out of mind.... With a white board with my goals and ideas in my face and up close and personal, I can't say "Oh I forgot!!" Now, with a board, I will know I should not start anything else because (like above) I have 6+ things already on the go as it is!!!
So, meal planning and sorting and organizing my room and getting things done. I am having a very full and busy February!!! How is yours looking
So January's to do list is not done. Move them into February (the shortest month we have in the year!! Yeah, make a LARGE list!!!) But since it's a leap year, I am going to make use of the extra day!! (I have to!!!!)
My goal list for February:
- Orca Mystery!! I am working on putting it together.... every step of htis project takes some time to do!! And I just got an email from my quilter today!! She is having a special for February - free batting for one quilt! I am taking my Orca in to have it done this month!!! And the only way I can do that is get it done - So this is my first goal!! (yes I know it's being carried over from January!!! Bad Brenda!!)
- Tree Skirt!! I was going to have this done by today too, so it's moved on to next month now too!!! (should have just gotten these done like I had planned.......) I am thinking I will do a twister skirt!! I bought the Lil' Twister ruler and I should just make the skirt with it!!!
- UFO Project. Have not picked it yet. This needs to be done NOW!!! And it needs to be another quick one - so I can get back on track here......
- OH!!! Right!! I am so glad I made a list, how quickly I forget.... HGTV blks - since I did not do January's yet, I have both Jan and Feb's to do...... See what happens when you do not do what you plan??? You PLAN for a reason, to stay on top of things - and when you do not DO your plan, it just creates chaos..........
- And since I told the store in town I would do her BOM - I have that to do too. (I am just shaking my head now)
- and last but not least - sew the last border on my Halloween quilt. Simple to do? Yes. So, just do it........
One thing I have been thinking about is: putting a white board by my ironing board with my plans written on it. Out of sight, out of mind.... With a white board with my goals and ideas in my face and up close and personal, I can't say "Oh I forgot!!" Now, with a board, I will know I should not start anything else because (like above) I have 6+ things already on the go as it is!!!
So, meal planning and sorting and organizing my room and getting things done. I am having a very full and busy February!!! How is yours looking
Friday, January 6, 2012
Red Strings are DONE!
See!!! My red Strings are all made and waiting to for the next step!!! This seemed to take me FOREVER!!! (about 3 days.....) I had to cut everything, I had no red strings of any kind and I basically was doing this from scratch!! And I was making sure that I did not use the same fabric in the same block - although, much to my amusement, that did not always work! I am still not 'in love' with string blocks, but I did not mind them. And I do like how they look when made into a quilt so....... I am creating a bag of strings now. For next time because I am sure there will be a 'next time'!!!
And since the next step is to remove the paper, here is my pile of triangles ready to have their papers removed.
And I am going to be doing that with the first season of "The Good Wife" in my player and I can see what I have missed.
This was show I though would be stupid, so I didn't even bother to check it out. Well, last year, doing something mindless (like removing paper from foundation blks) I had the TV on and this show came on....... I didn't change the channel, but I didn't really want to watch it either. Well, I watched. And now I wait for it come on!!! So, I treated myself to the first season considering I have no idea what happened, who did what and what is going on that I should know about to make this show more interesting!!! So this is how my evening is going to do tonight. And tomorrow, I will show you the next step I am on with this no-longer-a-mystery project!!
As I was looking at my blks, I noticed something about my reds. They are a darker red. They are not bright, not 'in-your-face', not brilliant. More subdued. Pretty much all of them. Hmmmmm. I think I am attracted to darker shades of colours. Which I find interesting because I love to see bright, happy, excited quilts. They make me feel good and energized. Why then do the quilts I make, seem more homey, calming, quiet.
I will be thinking about this. I realized this on my Christmas quilt 'Piece & Goodwill'. I had a friend send me some greens for it (Thanks Sandie!!) and they are beautiful!! I instantly loved them!! Was really excited to add them to my quilt when, I realized, they would stick out like a soar thumb!! The greens I used where dark - these were bright. And that is when I first thought about the colours I choose.
Tomorrow I am also going to show you a very special gift I got in the mail this week!!!
Until tomorrow then!! Night!!
And since the next step is to remove the paper, here is my pile of triangles ready to have their papers removed.
And I am going to be doing that with the first season of "The Good Wife" in my player and I can see what I have missed.
This was show I though would be stupid, so I didn't even bother to check it out. Well, last year, doing something mindless (like removing paper from foundation blks) I had the TV on and this show came on....... I didn't change the channel, but I didn't really want to watch it either. Well, I watched. And now I wait for it come on!!! So, I treated myself to the first season considering I have no idea what happened, who did what and what is going on that I should know about to make this show more interesting!!! So this is how my evening is going to do tonight. And tomorrow, I will show you the next step I am on with this no-longer-a-mystery project!!
As I was looking at my blks, I noticed something about my reds. They are a darker red. They are not bright, not 'in-your-face', not brilliant. More subdued. Pretty much all of them. Hmmmmm. I think I am attracted to darker shades of colours. Which I find interesting because I love to see bright, happy, excited quilts. They make me feel good and energized. Why then do the quilts I make, seem more homey, calming, quiet.
I will be thinking about this. I realized this on my Christmas quilt 'Piece & Goodwill'. I had a friend send me some greens for it (Thanks Sandie!!) and they are beautiful!! I instantly loved them!! Was really excited to add them to my quilt when, I realized, they would stick out like a soar thumb!! The greens I used where dark - these were bright. And that is when I first thought about the colours I choose.
Tomorrow I am also going to show you a very special gift I got in the mail this week!!!
Until tomorrow then!! Night!!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Good Start to the New Year!!
I have been making the red string blks for the Orca mystery!! 12 done, more under the needle and thread, and I would love to show you a pic, but as soon as I turned my camera on, it told me it needed new batteries!!!
And even though I have extra batteries, I also have people who know where I keep them and they are all missing in action!! lol!! And I have stopped for the night because I was finding myself getting cranky - a sure sign I should stop now!!!
So, for the rest of the night I will ....... hmmmmm!! Maybe I will watch some TV or read a book. Either sounds good to me right now.
So, pictures of my progress tomorrow - promise!! And I hope you are having fun with your new year too!!!
And even though I have extra batteries, I also have people who know where I keep them and they are all missing in action!! lol!! And I have stopped for the night because I was finding myself getting cranky - a sure sign I should stop now!!!
So, for the rest of the night I will ....... hmmmmm!! Maybe I will watch some TV or read a book. Either sounds good to me right now.
So, pictures of my progress tomorrow - promise!! And I hope you are having fun with your new year too!!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Goals and Ideas for 2012!!
Happy New Year again!! So what did you get to do today? I watched Star Wars with hubby, on blue ray you know!! It was our daughters gift to him, and he was thinking about buying it for himself when he saw it in the store, but she told him he didn't need it!!! She had already gotten it for him!!

Today I ironed and put the blks away for Step 5 on the Orca mystery. The reveal was show today, and I was not sure what I thought.....hmmmmm. But, I am making it because I think in person, it will look different, then in the photo!!!
And I have made all these blks and I am going to use them!!!
My blks are not solid blacks -I even have spider webs in some of them!! Fun!!

And Candy Canes and moons - because of all the colours and the 'stuff' in these blks, is why I was wondering about them yesterday. Would they work in the quilt or was/is it to much movement???
After seeing the reveal today, I am thinking it will be fine - and I work HOURS on these!!!
Here are the start of my strings for the string blks. I am still cutting, am not ready to start sewing yet, but I am going to be doing this tomorrow.
And this brings me to my 2012 plans. One, I am going to organize my house. I am reading (have been for over a year now!!) Peter Walsh's book on decluttering your home - and your life. Sounds real good to me!!!
And one of the things I really need to get a handle on is my UFO pile.
And one thing I know about myself is - I love to start things!!! I love the newness, the thrill of the start and the joy of seeing it come together..... Hence, why I have so many things in the wings and so many patterns fighting for my attention - "pick me next!!"
Here is my January Goals - sewing wise!!
~HGTV's BOM! Yup, a block of the Month!! It's one block - common, it's not like I am starting a quilt??!!
~ORCA mystery!! I am finishing this - and I want to get it to my quilter ASAP!! (And yes- I WILL bind it ASAP!!!)
~Last border on my Halloween quilt.
~Keep making and get my strip border on my Coffee Quilt
~Christmas Quilt (Piece and Goodwill) on my design wall - finish blocks, sew into top - get it ready to eventually go to quilter.......
~CLEAN UP MY STASH!!!! Make strips, blks and squares for my Stash User system.
~Keep making up my kits (I have already started these!!) with the fabrics in my stash
~(Place mats for the food bank for next Christmas) {this hit me as I was making my list. that is why it's in brackets. It's a maybe, not a have to, but it would be nice......}
~Start Tree Skirt!! I need to finalize my choice on this, ASAP!! I have one in the book: French Braid Obsession -pgs 37-42 that I like. Or one from this web site - it's a video from the Missouri Quilt Company.
~Bind my quilts I have gotten from my quilter. One a week would have them done!!!!
~And this is my UFO finish for this month:

Do you remember the stain glass windows made - oh? How many years ago?? Well, this one is mine and this is as far as I got before I stopped working on it. Basically, all it needs is to be bound. Pathetic!! I have over 40 of these type of thing in my hidey-holes and they are coming out of hiding this year. Worked on and DONE!!
After this UFO is finished - I will have another one to immediately take it's place.
So far today, I have been doing okay with this list. I am working on the Orca project. I am enjoying it and am looking forward to seeing it done!!!
I have had a nice first day of the year. And I am looking forward to making my dreams/goals a reality!!

Today I ironed and put the blks away for Step 5 on the Orca mystery. The reveal was show today, and I was not sure what I thought.....hmmmmm. But, I am making it because I think in person, it will look different, then in the photo!!!
And I have made all these blks and I am going to use them!!!
My blks are not solid blacks -I even have spider webs in some of them!! Fun!!

After seeing the reveal today, I am thinking it will be fine - and I work HOURS on these!!!
Here are the start of my strings for the string blks. I am still cutting, am not ready to start sewing yet, but I am going to be doing this tomorrow.
And this brings me to my 2012 plans. One, I am going to organize my house. I am reading (have been for over a year now!!) Peter Walsh's book on decluttering your home - and your life. Sounds real good to me!!!
And one of the things I really need to get a handle on is my UFO pile.
And one thing I know about myself is - I love to start things!!! I love the newness, the thrill of the start and the joy of seeing it come together..... Hence, why I have so many things in the wings and so many patterns fighting for my attention - "pick me next!!"
Here is my January Goals - sewing wise!!
~HGTV's BOM! Yup, a block of the Month!! It's one block - common, it's not like I am starting a quilt??!!
~ORCA mystery!! I am finishing this - and I want to get it to my quilter ASAP!! (And yes- I WILL bind it ASAP!!!)
~Last border on my Halloween quilt.
~Keep making and get my strip border on my Coffee Quilt
~Christmas Quilt (Piece and Goodwill) on my design wall - finish blocks, sew into top - get it ready to eventually go to quilter.......
~CLEAN UP MY STASH!!!! Make strips, blks and squares for my Stash User system.
~Keep making up my kits (I have already started these!!) with the fabrics in my stash
~(Place mats for the food bank for next Christmas) {this hit me as I was making my list. that is why it's in brackets. It's a maybe, not a have to, but it would be nice......}
~Start Tree Skirt!! I need to finalize my choice on this, ASAP!! I have one in the book: French Braid Obsession -pgs 37-42 that I like. Or one from this web site - it's a video from the Missouri Quilt Company.
~Bind my quilts I have gotten from my quilter. One a week would have them done!!!!
~And this is my UFO finish for this month:

Do you remember the stain glass windows made - oh? How many years ago?? Well, this one is mine and this is as far as I got before I stopped working on it. Basically, all it needs is to be bound. Pathetic!! I have over 40 of these type of thing in my hidey-holes and they are coming out of hiding this year. Worked on and DONE!!
After this UFO is finished - I will have another one to immediately take it's place.
So far today, I have been doing okay with this list. I am working on the Orca project. I am enjoying it and am looking forward to seeing it done!!!
I have had a nice first day of the year. And I am looking forward to making my dreams/goals a reality!!
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