Monday, September 14, 2009
Design Wall Monday!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My Guild Meeting is Tonight!!
And all the shops around my area have all their new class list posted - either by mail, email or on their web sites!! I have found a couple I want to learn a bit more about, but not today.. today I am fighting with the blks for the pieced border. So, I am, again, on a 'coffee' break!! Even went and had a shower. Have to get ready for tonight you know. ;-)
But, I have pulled out the top and layed it on my bed. No, the red border is not on it yet - that is why the center is all layed out. So I can measure and start on it. Another avoiding measure I have come up with. The problem?? The blks, one piece is not the right measurement when cut. It's the 4 7/8" measurement. I think it should just be cut at 5" and call it good. You can always cut it down, but you can't add anything on!!
And, I am not only a bit short on most of the pieces, but one of the fabric, I cut it even a bit smaller!!! aaaahhhh!!! Instead of the 4 7/8th measure, I cut it 4 3/4"!!! I am doing my best to just keep working on it, but all this fussyness, and making sure I have something to sew - on some pieces, I am defintly not using a 1/4" seam - so those places got backstiched alot as I sewed it down......... I keep telling myself, it's going to be fine and work, but I do stop alot to breathe for minute or two, and I leave the room, before I go back to keep on sewing this together!! This sewing thing normally 'takes me away'........ ( picture floating on air and just enjoying being in the sunshine and feeling so good that you just don't want to stop.......) then get hit with a pattern where it's not going together right.... *grrrrrrr* (smiles!!!) I have been enjoying this mystery since I started it oh so long ago, and it's been alot of fun to do. So, I will finish it (and get it quilted and bound too!!!!) and then I will have a project done in less than one year!!! Oh now wouldn't that be fun!! And I keep making little notes on my pattern page - so when I want to do it again, or someone wants to try it, they won't be stressing like I am.
And I did a bad thing last night - I pulled out few of my books to look through..... and wouldn't you know - I found something, or two, or three, or.... oh boy, not good!!! But oh so much fun!!!
I have found a quilt in "Coffee Times Quilts" by Cathy Wierzbicki, a few tops that I just love. And when I was looking for a link, I read that this book is out of print!! I am so glad I have mine.
This is one of the quilts tops I've made from this book. And there are a few more that I think are beautiful. This one was just for fun!! And I enjoyed making it and still really like it!!
And another book - "Home for the Holidays" by Lynda Milligan & Nancy Smith has a couple things that caught my eye last night.
Well, thanks for sharing my coffee break with me, and now I will get back to the grind stone and get this border done before I have to go to my meeting tonight!!
And now I have more plans to stop myself from starting!!! Oh good trouble is heading my way!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Design Wall Monday!!
Here are some of the blks. I have had fun with this project - And it's going to be so nice to have it done with the borders on, So this is my project this week - plus the binding on my daughters quilt!! I am over half way done with it - and I have been thinking, I should learn how to do it with the machine!!! But there is a part of me that likes this last step. Sitting there, quilt all over me keeping me warm, sometimes a little to warm!! And just sewing the binding down so it looks like it's part of the material - practice my handsewing skills!! This is why I sometimes wounder if I would like to hand sew pieces for a quilt..... then I shake my head and that thought is gone!!!!
The one thing I do have to learn though, and it's another reason I don't get these things finished - is how to wash them. They are not like the blankets I buy at the store and can stuff in the macine and let it go. No, these need to be handled a little differently, and well, I don't much like fussy.........
Anyways, I am going to go and get busy cutting out the fabrics for the border blks I need to work on. For anyone who watches "The View" - I love to start my day with this show!! Tomorrow they are back!! So, I can again start my day with a laugh. When I get my job, I am going to miss this part of my day!!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bonnie's Mystery - Step Two - DONE!!
Stash Busting Week 36
Old Stash Counted- 5 1/2 yds
F.A.Y.T.D. - 25 1/2 yrds
Fabric Used - (13 1/4 yrds) the reason I have this in brackets is because it's what I used last week, but I didn't do a proper report last week, so I have here, reported the way I usually do!!
New Stash Total - 173 yrds
I am having a great week!! I am back to my sewing room, sewing!!! Bonnie Huners mystery, the second step is almost half way done and the best thing I did this yesterday was, pull out my daughters quilt that I made for her 2 years ago. It only needed binding - and I put it away because I was not 100% sure what I was doing..... this spring I pulled it out of hiding and sewed the binding on. And put it away again...... Yesterday, after working on step 2 blks, with my daughers music playing to loud for me to handle much longer, I left my sewing room (we share a wall, and I remember being a kid!!! So, I just went somewhere else for a bit!!) I pulled out the quilt.... I sat and sewed 1 1/2 sides of binding on!!!
As I am working on it - it's a queen size quilt - I woundered why I took so long to do this. I did not beat myself up about it though. I was just woundering. And one of the answers is, she painted her room all back - walls and ceiling - with purple trim.
This quilt is done in browns. It's a log cabin with a heart in the middle - yes, I will get a picture on here once I have it bound. I just went looking for one that I know I already have, and I don't know where it is.
And so I just put it away till the time was right. Two years is to much!! Then, I had people tell me they would help me with putting the binding on. And everytime they would say it, I felt really tense about it. I did not want help!! This is my second 'real' quilt. The first one was for my 1st baby - a trip around the world and I had alot of fun. This one is for my second baby - and I want to do it all myself. Yeah, it's taken me alot longer than I wanted it too, but I am on my way to having it finished. And it feels good!!
So this is my report for today!!! Off to see what everyone else is up to at Judy's.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bonnie's Mystery - Step One - DONE!!
I did the pressing!! Kept working at them and I think they look good.
My black fabric, the one with the candy cane hearts nice in these bocks. And the best part, picking my fabrics for this project, I thought I wouldn't have enough - well, it turns out - I had some left over!!! yeah!!! And now my blks are ready for step two!!!
These are some of the 4 patch bocks.
My gold and black blks.
And the last step of part one, my green blks.