Monday, March 29, 2010
And I did get 2 of my 3 Piece & Goodwill blks done. The third is layed out on my wall, but I have to make a couple more pieces for it. I am trying to not use the same fabric in a blk, so I need more pieces to choose from!!
Went to the home and Garden show for the first time ever this weekend. Bought myself a silk duvet. It is supposed to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer, so, this will be nice. Lately I go to bed and feel chilly - and I would prefer to be warm!! (I wake up in the middle of the night hot and all covers are off, but the trying to get to sleep when you feel cold, that is not fun!!!)
Okay, I am off to get ready for work. Stopped at Costco yesterday, and I was asked a few times where I had been....... They didn't realize I had quit, a month ago!!! That is how much staff turnover there is at that store!! Crazy!! But I got to see my friends, most of them anyway!! And one I didn't get a chance to say bye to when I left!! that was really nice. And she has changed jobs!!! Excellant!! And if you haven't seen The Blind Side yet, it's good. Finally watched it last night, and enjoyed it.
Have yourself a very nice Monday. Sew a stich or two and get out and enjoy the flowers!! I can say that because the other day, I have a tiny purple flower in my flower bed!!! The only one, but it's there!!! Spring is really here!!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Design Wall Monday!! March 22 '10

The first is my BOM - yup, more browns!! I should of had this done as soon as I got it, but I didn't - so it's up to be done this week.
And the next is my Lone Star blk. It is going to
be done this week. Kinda thought by Thursday
would be nice, but I don't think it will happen. Simply because I won't have the time. By 'done', I mean, completed!!
I am thinking of making it into a wall hanging......
And I also have the border to put on my blue

blocks. They are all sewn together, now it's time
to have it bordered and out the door.
These are my three projects, plus, working on
my Christmas quilt blocks - Piece and Goodwill.
And I also have the backing for my Christmas Lights to get to my quilter.
And working. Don't forget working!!!
I should stop now, before more project ideas pop into my head!!! Goals are a good thing - and this week, I have a few that I want to see crossed off my list!!! Lovin' it!!! Have a great week!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Stash 188 5/8 yrds!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Here are the blks in a tentative setting

Friday, March 12, 2010
Blue Blocks Are DONE!!!
I am so glad they are done, especially at the end when I kept cutting one of my fabrics to small!!! It was suppose to be cut 8 1/2" long, so I cut it 8" twice instead!!! AARRGGHHHH!! But, I pulled out the fabric again and cut it, again!!!! Third times the charm!!
And, I listened to my music loud today, and just enjoyed myself!! And then, I got a phone call! Even though I had a phone in my room with me, my daughter had to come and give me her phone 'cause, ahem, I didn't hear mine ring!!! lol!! And it was my new boss - phoning to ask me a question about the schedual..... did I mind working 10-5 Monday to Fridays??? Uh, yeah!!! EXCELLANT!!! So, I definitly said YES!! And she will even work around my BOM day, and that is fantastic!! Like I told her, if she can't do it, it's fine, but she told me she would, so, I can still go to my BOM on the second Tuesday of the month!! I told her I get back into town at noon, so I could be to work then. I told Costco that I had a standing appointment on that day, and didn't tell them what it was (let them wounder.....) and so I always had it off so I could go to my BOM meeting!!!
My Blue Blocks are done!! Once I get the big blocks cut to size, this baby is being sewn together and off to the long arm quilter!! (I will go get that flannel I like first though!!!)
Oh yeah, this is good!!!
Beautiul Day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yes, I went shopping.....

Monday, March 8, 2010
Design Wall Monday!! March 8 - Box Block!

And yes, you stil can see the Piece & Goodwill blks that I am doing with friends.. It would be fun to do a Christmas quilt a month this year - and it is totally do-able considering I have some in the UFO pile that are so close to done, I should just make it so!!!
Plus a wall hanging that just needs binding! Binding for crying out loud!!!!!! Brenda! FINISH IT!!!!!!!!
I walked to work yesterday. I enjoyed it. No sidewalks down one road, but hey, it's the way to get there!! People don't walk much in this town. Some do. And I want to. It's a 1/2 hour walk, so it's nice. I put on my CD player - yes, CD. And headphones and just like driving to work, I listen to things that make me think, laugh, or I just enjoy a story! I plan on walking more than driving, so my daughter is happy - my car is accesible now and she can use it!!
Spring is working it's way here. Snow though is in the forcast, but we need it badly. Moisture, not necessarily snow, but we do need the ground to get some wetness to it. Farmers are already cashing in their insurace for failed crops - it's that bad. Here is to beautiful weather - gorgeous sunshine and calm winds. And dreams that come true!
Off to see your work on your walls!! And possible shopping today - do I go to the sale or stay home......... oh boy, I have not decided yet and I've been thinking about it since yesterday!!! bye!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Stash Busting Sunday - still at 186 yrds!!

And I have made a list of goals - yes, this is an old picture - but these are the blks that I have finished the 24 of - then 24 more, and 15 big, and I am done the blocks!! And that was my goal. To have all the guild challenge blocks done by the end of March - no, to have the blks done this week and it all sewn together by the end of March - and into the quilters it will go!!!
I am finishing my projects!! All of 'em!! and I will be busting my stash - and then getting myself a new one!!!!
So, this week, nothin in, nothing out and I am still working on the guild quilt, the christmas quilt, and, thankfully, I have not started anything new!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
In Like a Lamb!!

No more blocks for the Piece & Goodwill quilt to show, but I have sewn a few leader/ender pieces for it. I have done more cutting for my blue blks last night - and I think they will look great when all done. So, this is it. Next week, I want to be done the smaller blks, and be working on the large ones........... That will be nice. But, first, I want to have these all cut to their proper sizes before I move on to the next step. I do not want to leave it to the end to size them all up - that would make me crazy!!! Just do it as they are done, and that is one step less to worry about!!
I am off to work today. This week is 10-5 Monday to Friday! Next week, some days I work late, but hey, it's all good!! It's quiet, and not a whole lot to do besides dusting!! Constuction dust!! That will be around awhile..... It gives me something to do when there are not alot of people coming in. The store itself is very nicely done. Rich looking, nice colours. It's a very classy store. And it's fun to see people come in for the first time. They did a great job at making a liquer store look expensive, but they are keeping their prices low!!
Okay time for me to go get ready for work!! Have a great day and enjoy this very first day of March and make it the best you can!! Better if you sew a bit and get these projects done that have been hanging around, trying to get our attention!!!
It's a new month, and new week, so lets set some goals and make it happen!!!!