This is still what it looks like today. I have been cutting and doing a little sewing, which I still need to get to today. I have stayed home from work the last two days, and don't want to go in today, but I will......... Saterday on my way in, I decided instead to spend a bit of time stuck in the ditch in a snowbank instead!!! So, I didn't go in that day!! I was having fun stuck there!! I was shocked when I realized my car was doing all kinds of funky things on the road - very unexpectedly, and no, I was not driving real fast!!! I did make one big mistake and as soon as I did it, I knew I was in trouble!!! Do not put your foot on the brake!!! I hope I remember that, if I ever get in that situation again!!! lol!! But I was fine. Lots of people drive down that road, I was surprised - so I met alot of really nice people!! And I had already phoned for help to come, so I was not there long. I could have made it to work, would have been a little late, but, eh, I went home instead. And yesterday, I just wanted to be home with my kids. So, I stayed here..... This is not who I am at all. When I have a job, I am there - but even my gut is telling me not to go.... Did I tell you about the dream I had (felt like all night long????) right before the new year?? This little guy, I don't know who he was, told me "Do not to go in tomorrow, or Thursday, and he wanted me to take Saterday off too. " Of course, Friday was New Years Day, and the store was closed. Well, I woke up, laughed at the this crazy dream and went to work. Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday though, I had a sore throat, which kept feeling worse as the day wore on. I spent New Years Day, sick on the couch, and had no choice but not go in on Saterday, was to sick. So, even my dreams are trying to keep me home!!!!
Yesterday, I got to eat with my kids!!!!! Yeah!!! I made spinach maincotti and veggies - it was good!!! Tonight, I have a Spinach Lasagne in the fridge ready for them to pop in the oven and cook for tonights meal, and I have plans for tomorrows dinner too. If I can't be here, at least I can cook for them. I really am missing being home. So much that I am even cleaning things, just so I can feel good about not going in to work. Can not think of a reason to stay home today....... so I am going in. Funny, but I don't mind the drive to work. It's just - I want a job that fills my soul with joy. And this is not it.
Have a great Monday. Oh, and yes, a job can fill you up with happiness. I have had that type of situation twice now, and I know it will come again. today would be nice.........lol!!
It looks really good - so off to the quilter it will go!!
On my wall today is my guild challange: A one colour quilt, your choice of size and pattern. Me, I want a throw - and out of blue. So this is the start of it. It is due in June - completly finished. I have a challange in front of me, and I have taken it!
And yes, I started a new thing yesterday..... "Piece & Goodwill" from the Quiltmaker magazine #130. I was just going through my stash looking for the scraps I could use in this - reds, greens and neutrals. Then, I put them all into seperated bags... Then thought, why not cut some pieces, while you are not feeling good and are just watching TV anyway, so I did....... then I got up yesterday morning and found more little scraps I could cut from all three bags...... then, well, how hard is it to do that square piece on the green rectangle?? Do I have to mark every square so it lines up right on the rectange and will work like it's supposed to??? Had to check out my skill, so, now, I have actually started working on this project!! I am still going to be doing it as leader/enders, but I am having fun with it right now.
Yes, the Christmas Lights is still waiting for border #2, I have them cut and waiting. Border fabric #3 is still waiting to be ironed!
I love to sew little pieces of fabric together. I really enjoy that. Cutting out and working with large pieces of material.... not so much!! But borders have to be cut and sewn on too, so it will be done!