So, do you have your plans set out for the next 365 days!!??
I do!!
And I am going to start this year off with great wishes for everyone to have a HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best to you and yours!!!
May tomorrow and the days after bring you all the joys that you can handle and fill you with peace and happiness. Have a great Sunday and welcome to 2012!!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Half done Step 4 of Orca Mystery!!
I have been sewing for hours today!! And I am happy to report, I am making progress on the Orca Mystery!!
I finally decided to shut it down for the night, and since I do not have a clock in my sewing room, it is not as late as I thought it was!! I was thinking it was past 10 o'clock, close to 11 - but was happy to see it's only 9:40!!! So, that is pretty good then. I can still 'do something'!! ;-)
I am hoping to have more done tomorrow - so that when the final step of the mystery is posted on New Years Day - I will at least feel like I have a good chance of finishing it really soon!!!
And with that, I am off the computer and maybe read something fun!!! Night all!!
I finally decided to shut it down for the night, and since I do not have a clock in my sewing room, it is not as late as I thought it was!! I was thinking it was past 10 o'clock, close to 11 - but was happy to see it's only 9:40!!! So, that is pretty good then. I can still 'do something'!! ;-)
I am hoping to have more done tomorrow - so that when the final step of the mystery is posted on New Years Day - I will at least feel like I have a good chance of finishing it really soon!!!
And with that, I am off the computer and maybe read something fun!!! Night all!!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
New Year Word!
Well, I think I have found my word. "Organize"
I have been thinking about it since I read the blog about this idea yesterday, and I could not think of a word that would describe what I want in life for the next year...... Then today, I had this word, which I realized had been stewing in my brain for awhile now, and it describes exactly what I am craving in my life.
I want to have my sewing room feel like a retreat. An escape. A place of peace and calm. Invigorating. Tidy. Easy to manage. In a word: Organized!
My bedroom: Calm. Peaceful. Not a dumping ground for things without a home. A place where I can light candles at night, read a book, listen to music. Go to bed in an inviting place and wake up in one that is open to the new day!! In a word: Organized.
My house - every room from Kitchen to Laundry, Bathroom to Living rooms - and this included the yard. What do I want?? A place that invites you in and welcomes you. A place where what you are looking for is easy to find, and if need be, easy to replace because you can tell you need something!! A place that is easy to clean, easy to decorate, easy to live in. A place where you feel comfort and love, a place that is your refuge. A place that I can call home and not the 'place I live in'.
If it was organized, would that help? Wouldn't hurt! So yes, that word works here too!!!
My hobbies, my home, my book keeping (or lack there of...!), my collections, my meal planning/freezer meals/baking, food storage, storage of anything, getting things done.... the list could just go on and on...... all benefit from this simple little word.
So my word of the year for 2012 - ORGANIZE!!
I have been thinking about it since I read the blog about this idea yesterday, and I could not think of a word that would describe what I want in life for the next year...... Then today, I had this word, which I realized had been stewing in my brain for awhile now, and it describes exactly what I am craving in my life.
I want to have my sewing room feel like a retreat. An escape. A place of peace and calm. Invigorating. Tidy. Easy to manage. In a word: Organized!
My bedroom: Calm. Peaceful. Not a dumping ground for things without a home. A place where I can light candles at night, read a book, listen to music. Go to bed in an inviting place and wake up in one that is open to the new day!! In a word: Organized.
My house - every room from Kitchen to Laundry, Bathroom to Living rooms - and this included the yard. What do I want?? A place that invites you in and welcomes you. A place where what you are looking for is easy to find, and if need be, easy to replace because you can tell you need something!! A place that is easy to clean, easy to decorate, easy to live in. A place where you feel comfort and love, a place that is your refuge. A place that I can call home and not the 'place I live in'.
If it was organized, would that help? Wouldn't hurt! So yes, that word works here too!!!
My hobbies, my home, my book keeping (or lack there of...!), my collections, my meal planning/freezer meals/baking, food storage, storage of anything, getting things done.... the list could just go on and on...... all benefit from this simple little word.
So my word of the year for 2012 - ORGANIZE!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I have sewn today!!
I am lovin' my new iPod!! I am still not sure of everything it does, and sometimes I can't figure out how to make it do what I want it to, but, I am loving that when I have a book I want to 'read' it just talks me through it!!! And does not stop!!! Love it!!!!
I am still on Step 3 of Bonnie Hunters Orca mystery - I will get it done!! And no, I have not made any blks in the the next steps like she recommends - I just want to pretend I am not behind!!
And, I found couple new blogs to follow today. One I found through Pat Sloan's blog, Ali Edwards, One Little Word. It is talking about choosing a word for the next year that speaks to you - any word that just comes to you and makes you feel something. Pat talks about words she has chosen (Ali has been doing this for a few years now) and I think it is a neat idea. No, I have not picked a word - but I am going to.....
I would love to start living the life I want........ And what does that mean??? Well, I sometimes feel empty, stressed, angry for no real reason, frustration, unbelievably happy, and one weekend in Sept, I spent the whole weekend crying!!!! And when I talked to someone about it (yes - I did!), he told me that I was grieving my childhood, and it was something I had to let myself do. And, < heavy sigh> I am finding I am thinking of me now - what I want (hence the iPod the other day!!!). What do I want?? (hate that question!!! I never know how to answer!!! It is an easy question, but I struggle with it!!!) So, this is something I am working on. What do I want? One, to know what I want. To not second guess myself. And to do what will make me happy - if that is watching a movie, reading a book, making meals for the freezer, baking - does not matter what is it, but I want to start doing things for me - and if I am happy, that joy will spread to my family and friends!!!
So, I am going to find my 'word' and put it up on my mirror, in my sewing room, in my wallet, and keep it front and center, available to me in the new year, and see what happens. Hmmmmmm, wounder what the word will be???
I am still on Step 3 of Bonnie Hunters Orca mystery - I will get it done!! And no, I have not made any blks in the the next steps like she recommends - I just want to pretend I am not behind!!
And, I found couple new blogs to follow today. One I found through Pat Sloan's blog, Ali Edwards, One Little Word. It is talking about choosing a word for the next year that speaks to you - any word that just comes to you and makes you feel something. Pat talks about words she has chosen (Ali has been doing this for a few years now) and I think it is a neat idea. No, I have not picked a word - but I am going to.....
I would love to start living the life I want........ And what does that mean??? Well, I sometimes feel empty, stressed, angry for no real reason, frustration, unbelievably happy, and one weekend in Sept, I spent the whole weekend crying!!!! And when I talked to someone about it (yes - I did!), he told me that I was grieving my childhood, and it was something I had to let myself do. And, < heavy sigh> I am finding I am thinking of me now - what I want (hence the iPod the other day!!!). What do I want?? (hate that question!!! I never know how to answer!!! It is an easy question, but I struggle with it!!!) So, this is something I am working on. What do I want? One, to know what I want. To not second guess myself. And to do what will make me happy - if that is watching a movie, reading a book, making meals for the freezer, baking - does not matter what is it, but I want to start doing things for me - and if I am happy, that joy will spread to my family and friends!!!
So, I am going to find my 'word' and put it up on my mirror, in my sewing room, in my wallet, and keep it front and center, available to me in the new year, and see what happens. Hmmmmmm, wounder what the word will be???
Here is a my One Block Wounder - I have all the blks ready to be sewn into a queen size quilt. No more fabric to use as a border though!! What was I not thinking!!! But this, along with MANY others, is something I want to finish this year. Goal #1 - Do my projects!!!
And one day (soon!!) I will post my projects that I want done.
I will post pics of the quilt I have that need binding on them.... maybe so you can see them, I will post the pics before I bind them!!!
Bird, bird, bird is the word!!!
But it's not my word!!!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Book Recommendation!!
I am back.
Do you read? I do, but I also like to listen to books and yesterday, I bought myself a present... I am the proud owner of and Ipod!! I have never had one before, and I have been thinking about it for awhile now and I picked one up!
Well, my daughters are each 'helping' me figure this thing out!!! I ended up with my 'libray' of books loading on it today!!! I thought I didn't want that - BUT - I am right now listening to a book I have not listened to before - and I am laughing!! So, I am on here to tell you to check it out!!
I got it off of Audible - and I was going to stop my subscription, but now, I am thinking it's a good thing!!
This book is called: "The Power of Joy" by Christiane Northrup M.D.
"How the deliberate pursuit of pleasure can heal your life"
hmmmm, my 'book' just did its own funky thing - is it starting over or - I don't know!!! this is why I thought having it on an MP3 thing might work better than the CD's I've tried to burn.... on the CD's the books seemed to be all mixed up - now it seems to have done it again., Yes, it has restarted! And I don't think I have the whole book...... Well, what I did have was really good - and once I figure this out (I hope I do!!!_) I know I will enjoy the whole book!! I think I might just get myself a 'hard' copy!!
Going again!! Bye!!
Do you read? I do, but I also like to listen to books and yesterday, I bought myself a present... I am the proud owner of and Ipod!! I have never had one before, and I have been thinking about it for awhile now and I picked one up!
Well, my daughters are each 'helping' me figure this thing out!!! I ended up with my 'libray' of books loading on it today!!! I thought I didn't want that - BUT - I am right now listening to a book I have not listened to before - and I am laughing!! So, I am on here to tell you to check it out!!
I got it off of Audible - and I was going to stop my subscription, but now, I am thinking it's a good thing!!
This book is called: "The Power of Joy" by Christiane Northrup M.D.
"How the deliberate pursuit of pleasure can heal your life"
hmmmm, my 'book' just did its own funky thing - is it starting over or - I don't know!!! this is why I thought having it on an MP3 thing might work better than the CD's I've tried to burn.... on the CD's the books seemed to be all mixed up - now it seems to have done it again., Yes, it has restarted! And I don't think I have the whole book...... Well, what I did have was really good - and once I figure this out (I hope I do!!!_) I know I will enjoy the whole book!! I think I might just get myself a 'hard' copy!!
Going again!! Bye!!
It's been a MONTH!!??!
I just logged on, like I have been doing to see what others are doing and enjoying myself...; when today, I realized - it's been a month since I have written anything!!! Uh - ooops!?! What have I been doing??? NOT sewing, that is for sure!!! Shopping, yes, I have done that. Dreading Christmas?? A little...... BUT!! I got through it and wondered why I thought it was going to be so hard. It wasn't. Nothing bad happened, gifts were given and received and the turkey even came out moist!!!
I have been thinking of the New Year though. A new 12 months to live in. Doing what???? Well. Finishing things - and - big AND!!!! Creating things to make my house a home. I need a Christmas tree skirt. I am planning on making something for Christmas every month this year - and I think I will start with a skirt in January!!
And I am planning on working diligently on my UFO list - I have 40+ already written down, and I am sure I have things that I have forgotten about........ Every month, I am pulling a 'thing' out of my draw bucket - and what ever I pull - that is what I have to have done by the end of the month!!!! So, I, who does not seem to finish ANYTHING.... is planning on having at least 12 things DONE by the end of the year. I want to have more than that done, but at least the 12 UFO's so I can get these things OFF MY LIST!!! (The list that written write on it about 3-4 yrs ago "do not add to this list" - has had things put on it anyway...... Not a good thing. Not at all. It is embarrassing how long some of these projects have been aging.... Things get better with age right??? Uh, not always.......)
It is funny how little things can make big changes in a persons life. My friend and I were talking and I want her to call me on the thing I say I want to do, and she will find out if I am actually doing them. Be accountable. If I know she will ask, I will probably do it more than if I just keep it to myself.......... And it is the small things that will make a big difference for me. My 20 minutes of sewing a day is a huge impact on my progress of things. Things just seem to keep moving along. When I don't sew, I forget where I was, what I was doing and what is that for?????? Twenty minutes is not much time at all - but it is better than not sewing at all!!
So, if I can do 20 minutes of sewing time, where else can I make the commitment to myself? Exercise?? Baking?? Freezer meals?? Doing Housework?? hmmmmmm. All things I want to do - regularly , but don't. Why not????
Bad Habits. So. Lets work on creating Good Habits. Ones that support my ideas and dreams. Ones that build me up instead of making my feel like I have failed. Ones that create the life I say I want to live.
On the Bonnie Hunter Orca mystery, I am on Step 3 - have printed off the others, but I have not worked on them yet. I haven't been sewing!!!! And I have to be caught up in my sewing commitment by the end of the year - start 2012 with a clean slate and ready to rock!!!!
So, here is my commitment - in case I forget!!
1) A Christmas item every month: tree skirt; place mats; table runners; mug rugs; wall hanging; fabric bowls; I have more, but this is a good start!!!
2) All UFO's numbered and numbers put in a bowl - draw a number every month. Goal - to have it done in that month. FINISHED!!
3) Keep working on my projects I have going right now - Orca mystery, quilts that need binding (5 right now!) My word wall hanging, finish off my Halloween borders, and the coffee quilt borders...... what else????
Wow, this already feels overwhelming.......
And besides that I want to cook, clean and exercise!!!! Know what?? I can do it. I know I can!!
Come along for the ride and let me know when you think I have gotten off track!!! ;-)
I wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
I have been thinking of the New Year though. A new 12 months to live in. Doing what???? Well. Finishing things - and - big AND!!!! Creating things to make my house a home. I need a Christmas tree skirt. I am planning on making something for Christmas every month this year - and I think I will start with a skirt in January!!
And I am planning on working diligently on my UFO list - I have 40+ already written down, and I am sure I have things that I have forgotten about........ Every month, I am pulling a 'thing' out of my draw bucket - and what ever I pull - that is what I have to have done by the end of the month!!!! So, I, who does not seem to finish ANYTHING.... is planning on having at least 12 things DONE by the end of the year. I want to have more than that done, but at least the 12 UFO's so I can get these things OFF MY LIST!!! (The list that written write on it about 3-4 yrs ago "do not add to this list" - has had things put on it anyway...... Not a good thing. Not at all. It is embarrassing how long some of these projects have been aging.... Things get better with age right??? Uh, not always.......)
It is funny how little things can make big changes in a persons life. My friend and I were talking and I want her to call me on the thing I say I want to do, and she will find out if I am actually doing them. Be accountable. If I know she will ask, I will probably do it more than if I just keep it to myself.......... And it is the small things that will make a big difference for me. My 20 minutes of sewing a day is a huge impact on my progress of things. Things just seem to keep moving along. When I don't sew, I forget where I was, what I was doing and what is that for?????? Twenty minutes is not much time at all - but it is better than not sewing at all!!
So, if I can do 20 minutes of sewing time, where else can I make the commitment to myself? Exercise?? Baking?? Freezer meals?? Doing Housework?? hmmmmmm. All things I want to do - regularly , but don't. Why not????
Bad Habits. So. Lets work on creating Good Habits. Ones that support my ideas and dreams. Ones that build me up instead of making my feel like I have failed. Ones that create the life I say I want to live.
On the Bonnie Hunter Orca mystery, I am on Step 3 - have printed off the others, but I have not worked on them yet. I haven't been sewing!!!! And I have to be caught up in my sewing commitment by the end of the year - start 2012 with a clean slate and ready to rock!!!!
So, here is my commitment - in case I forget!!
1) A Christmas item every month: tree skirt; place mats; table runners; mug rugs; wall hanging; fabric bowls; I have more, but this is a good start!!!
2) All UFO's numbered and numbers put in a bowl - draw a number every month. Goal - to have it done in that month. FINISHED!!
3) Keep working on my projects I have going right now - Orca mystery, quilts that need binding (5 right now!) My word wall hanging, finish off my Halloween borders, and the coffee quilt borders...... what else????
Wow, this already feels overwhelming.......
And besides that I want to cook, clean and exercise!!!! Know what?? I can do it. I know I can!!
Come along for the ride and let me know when you think I have gotten off track!!! ;-)
I wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Still Working on Step 1!!
I have the proper ruler for this Orca mystery from Bonnie Hunter. The only ruler that does not give me a hard time and make me think to hard!!! The proper tool is the Easy Angle and Companion Angle from EZ Quilting - like Bonnie says!!
These are my triangles - getting ready to be sewn into pairs......
These are my sewn pairs, ready to be pressed so they look like proper blks!!!
And here are the triangles that I have cut off the the dog ears and am ready to sew to there partner!! I am almost done this step (fingers crossed!!)
And this is a sweet surprise to me!! I TOTALLY forgot about these blks!!! A friend, a few years ago, gave me her left over blks from a blue string quilt that she had done. I had no use for them so I just put them into my odd blks pile and today for some reason ( probably to just take a break....) I was sorting through these blks, thinking of how I could incorporate them into a backing for my quilts like Bonnie does.... When I saw these, I laughed!!!
They are the right colour for Step 2 - and I can get 4 out of each blk I was given!!! And,
I was given 10 in total!! I am almost done Step 2!!! Thank-You big man upstairs!!! I appreciate this!!! Not only am I getting some of my mystery done, I am also cleaning out things that would other wise just be sitting there.... waiting and waiting for me to notice them!!!
So, all in all, I am having a good weekend. And I am still shaking my head - it is raining outside...... Uh, that is unusual, and the roads tomorrow, will be total ICE.
I am so glad I can, and will, stay home tomorrow till it warms up again. I do not have to be anywhere any time soon. Love that!
Have a great week. And lets get some sewing done!!!
These are my triangles - getting ready to be sewn into pairs......
These are my sewn pairs, ready to be pressed so they look like proper blks!!!
And here are the triangles that I have cut off the the dog ears and am ready to sew to there partner!! I am almost done this step (fingers crossed!!)
And this is a sweet surprise to me!! I TOTALLY forgot about these blks!!! A friend, a few years ago, gave me her left over blks from a blue string quilt that she had done. I had no use for them so I just put them into my odd blks pile and today for some reason ( probably to just take a break....) I was sorting through these blks, thinking of how I could incorporate them into a backing for my quilts like Bonnie does.... When I saw these, I laughed!!!
They are the right colour for Step 2 - and I can get 4 out of each blk I was given!!! And,
I was given 10 in total!! I am almost done Step 2!!! Thank-You big man upstairs!!! I appreciate this!!! Not only am I getting some of my mystery done, I am also cleaning out things that would other wise just be sitting there.... waiting and waiting for me to notice them!!!
So, all in all, I am having a good weekend. And I am still shaking my head - it is raining outside...... Uh, that is unusual, and the roads tomorrow, will be total ICE.
I am so glad I can, and will, stay home tomorrow till it warms up again. I do not have to be anywhere any time soon. Love that!
Have a great week. And lets get some sewing done!!!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Today Has Been a GREAT DAY!!!!
I have just found a post on how to make a dog collar. I don't know if - or should I say, when, I will be making this, but it's perfect for making a special one for, hmmm, Christmas maybe??!! And my dog has outgrown his, and is without one right now - so this should be on my to-do list!!!
I think it would make a good gift for a friends dog too!! Just an idea......
And I do not know the date that this will post on - I started it yesterday, but am finishing it today - so we will see...
I went today to got my hair dyed and cut - and have even made an appointment for January.... Something I usually do not do?? But I liked the stylist and well, I have to start keeping up with it because my hair is more grey than I like and I am tired of looking in the mirror and seeing how grey it is!!!!
And after, I knew I was going to my LQS, had decided that the other day when I was in the city picking up my new ruler - the one to help me with my blks for Bonnie's Mystery!! (Which, no, I have not started yet... tonight though, it will be tonight!!!!) I am being picked up for my guild meeting (or else I would not go...) and I am planning on cutting and sewing some together there.
I went to the quilt shop, and found some more Grinch flannel's - the one I am using for my pillowcases is gone, but I found some that will work. I will take a pic later... it's for a gift, so after the first of December, I can show you, but for now it's supposed to be a secret!!! Anyways, I only had enough fabric for 3 pillowcases, so the next one will be different, that's okay though, it's for me!!!! And since I have washed the flannel, I have to wash this new stuff too, because the rest of it - the 'leftovers' are being made into a rag quilt!! And you can not have wash flannel with non-washed flannel, so everything is washed now.... and I might have to wash more, since I do not think I have enough for the quilt...... But I think it will be really cute for a throw on the couch for Christmas!! Especially if you haul out your pillow in it's case and relax and watch a movie!
What is your favorite Christmas movie? Me? It's the black and white, Miracle on 34th street!!! LOVE this move!! But saying that, my new favorite is Polar Express!!! Common!! You have to believe in Santa Clause!!!
Okay, since I am being picked up for the guild meeting, I have to be ready and so I am off to get my stuff packed and by the door!!!
OH!! Have you made any New Year Plans yet???? I have. 2012 is the year I am going to take at least 6 classes to learn a new skill...... (I was going to say 'one a month' but then reality hit me!! I do not need to create more UFO's - PHD's or anything that is not going to be finished any time soon... like the things I am seeming to doing now!!! Pillowcases?? AND a rag quilt????? What about the border on the coffee quilt?? Is Halloween done yet??? and the Piece and Goodwill????? Yeah, when are they getting completed??? and don't you have some that need binding???? Okay, when are you going to finish what you have going on and now you are going to take CLASSES??????
Yup, I am !!! And, finish what I've started too......................................!! ;-)
I think it would make a good gift for a friends dog too!! Just an idea......
And I do not know the date that this will post on - I started it yesterday, but am finishing it today - so we will see...
I went today to got my hair dyed and cut - and have even made an appointment for January.... Something I usually do not do?? But I liked the stylist and well, I have to start keeping up with it because my hair is more grey than I like and I am tired of looking in the mirror and seeing how grey it is!!!!
And after, I knew I was going to my LQS, had decided that the other day when I was in the city picking up my new ruler - the one to help me with my blks for Bonnie's Mystery!! (Which, no, I have not started yet... tonight though, it will be tonight!!!!) I am being picked up for my guild meeting (or else I would not go...) and I am planning on cutting and sewing some together there.
I went to the quilt shop, and found some more Grinch flannel's - the one I am using for my pillowcases is gone, but I found some that will work. I will take a pic later... it's for a gift, so after the first of December, I can show you, but for now it's supposed to be a secret!!! Anyways, I only had enough fabric for 3 pillowcases, so the next one will be different, that's okay though, it's for me!!!! And since I have washed the flannel, I have to wash this new stuff too, because the rest of it - the 'leftovers' are being made into a rag quilt!! And you can not have wash flannel with non-washed flannel, so everything is washed now.... and I might have to wash more, since I do not think I have enough for the quilt...... But I think it will be really cute for a throw on the couch for Christmas!! Especially if you haul out your pillow in it's case and relax and watch a movie!
What is your favorite Christmas movie? Me? It's the black and white, Miracle on 34th street!!! LOVE this move!! But saying that, my new favorite is Polar Express!!! Common!! You have to believe in Santa Clause!!!
Okay, since I am being picked up for the guild meeting, I have to be ready and so I am off to get my stuff packed and by the door!!!
OH!! Have you made any New Year Plans yet???? I have. 2012 is the year I am going to take at least 6 classes to learn a new skill...... (I was going to say 'one a month' but then reality hit me!! I do not need to create more UFO's - PHD's or anything that is not going to be finished any time soon... like the things I am seeming to doing now!!! Pillowcases?? AND a rag quilt????? What about the border on the coffee quilt?? Is Halloween done yet??? and the Piece and Goodwill????? Yeah, when are they getting completed??? and don't you have some that need binding???? Okay, when are you going to finish what you have going on and now you are going to take CLASSES??????
Yup, I am !!! And, finish what I've started too......................................!! ;-)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Quick Hello!!
I have been sewing most of the weekend, and tomorrow I am going to a friends and we will sew together. I am not sure how many will be there, but it's supposed to be cold an yucky, so. I'm in!! Might as well sew with friends instead of always by myself.
I have gotten the coffee quilt with borders on it now - I will post a pic at a later date. I am still going to be putting anther border on this top so it's not done, but almost......
The Halloween, has the orange pumpkin fabric - and when I said 4" border, uh, that is what I cut!! So, it's not going to be the 4" like I had planned, but I also am putting on some of the black around the pumpkin to make it a bit bigger, so that will help!! It is almost done too!!
I have gotten the coffee quilt with borders on it now - I will post a pic at a later date. I am still going to be putting anther border on this top so it's not done, but almost......
The Halloween, has the orange pumpkin fabric - and when I said 4" border, uh, that is what I cut!! So, it's not going to be the 4" like I had planned, but I also am putting on some of the black around the pumpkin to make it a bit bigger, so that will help!! It is almost done too!!
And my Piece & Goodwill blks are now being my leader and enders!!!! They are looking really good too, so I am happy to say, I am making another top while I work on finishing my projects!!
Have I started the Bonnie mystery yet? Uh, yes, but, saying that, I am using a new ruler and we are not getting along!! It will be fine though - I found my regular ruler and I should be getting my triangles the right size soon!! And as I was cutting out some fabrics today (getting frustrated at how cramped my space is - which is no bodies fault but mine.....) I came across another bucket of scraps!!??!! How many of these do I have???? (Don't answer!!! I do not want to know I have any more..... I shouldn't even have one!!!) Anyways, in this bucket are blacks - and creams, and usable pieces for this mystery!!!! Not very big pieces, but I can and will use them. And I was!
And that has been my weekend. How has yours been??? Cold out, so I stayed inside.......
Thursday, November 17, 2011
First Winter Snow Storm!!
Well, it's been snowing and blowing all day!!! Old man winter is really here and is not going to go away any time soon so, what's a girl to do??? Sew of course!!! And I have been!!!
This is my newest bird feeder. No birds now, but blue jays come to visit alot!!
So this is what it looks like outside. I was hoping to get a pic of the snow blowing around, but it didn't come out like that, so... this is what it is. Grey sky's and snow that is coming down and moving in the wind!! My daughter went and cleaned off the driveway, and then did it again when it just all blew back on!!
And it is now here to stay.
It actually does not look to bad out there in this pic.
It certainly isn't nice!!!!
Daughter told me we should go put up our Christmas lights!! Uh, she likes to go out in the snow and cold - I don't!!!
No lights going up in this weather!!!
And this is my final layout of my Halloween blocks!! It really does look better in person, and it definitely looks better when sew together!! I am treating these blks as leader/enders, so when I have finished putting on a border on my coffee quilt - the summer mystery that has the baskets on it - I will put two of my Halloween blks together and sew them up. I sometimes put two sets through, and it's making putting this top together a little quicker!! I am having fun. But since I ran out of bobbin thread and my spool of thread is almost empty and my Audio book CD needs to be changed - and this all happened at the same time!! I took it as a sign to be done for the day!!!
Tomorrow I will show you my Coffee Quilt top with the first border on!!!
Talk to you tomorrow!!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
missed a day....
I did not blog yesterday!! Realized that this morning. So, I failed at my attempt to blog everyday this month - BUT - saying that, I have blogged more this month then any other, so I think I am doing just fine!!!
I had a dentist appointment yesterday, and when I got home, I was just busy - didn't sew yesterday either, but I did blog hop and do some fabric shopping online at This-n-That Fabrics, who are going out of business, so this is their close out sale. But, I did not blog....
Today, I plan on sewing and going for coffee later with some friends - and that is my big plans for the day!!
Hoping you are going to have a great day too!
I had a dentist appointment yesterday, and when I got home, I was just busy - didn't sew yesterday either, but I did blog hop and do some fabric shopping online at This-n-That Fabrics, who are going out of business, so this is their close out sale. But, I did not blog....
Today, I plan on sewing and going for coffee later with some friends - and that is my big plans for the day!!
Hoping you are going to have a great day too!
Monday, November 14, 2011
New Winter Tires Now On Car!!
I had to go to the city to get my winter tires put on the car. Coming home, tire pressure lights up on my console!! Scared me!! Hubby checked and one tire had 10 lbs more air then the others..... I am going to the dentist tomrrow in another town, and I am going to ask the shop there, same company, to check my tires to make sure it is really okay!! Your life is really depending on these tires so I want to make sure it's okay!!
Well, while the tires were being done, I had 2 hrs to amuse myself. I thought I would get myself a magazine and a coffee/tea and sit out the wait, reading.... well, that didn't happen!! I ended up with two magazines, and no sitting!!
I found this magazine on a blog I visited yesterday - and when I saw it, I was sure the quilt I really liked was in it.... it is!!!!! And they have a few more intersting things in there, so I guess the $14.00 price tag is worth it!! I just know I really like the quilt on page 91 - and now I have the pattern for it!!!
So, look what was in the mail for me today!!! I was happy to see it arrive!! Yes, it is my
fabric that I ordered from Thousand Of Bolts the other day. The morning after they sent an email saying it had been sent!
I do not have reds in my collection - now I do!!! Even red solids, which I am not really fond of, but hey, it's here and now I
And here are my blacks.... plus a little bit more!! I had to have a Halloween!! And those Christmas trees?? Way to cute, had to have some!! And that blue/black bali?? I think will work in mystery that starts on the 18th!!
Sunday, November 13, 2011

So, last night, I decided that I had to get my Jelly Roll Mystery done - well, the top done and out of my hair!! Bonnie Hunters new mystery is starting this week and I need to be done some of my projects - this one was first on my list..... And here it is.
Do I like it?? It's bright and happy looking, but I am thinking the square border just gets lost in it..... But it's done, and I enjoyed it and now, I can move on to all my other projects!!!
Like my Halloween blks!! Here are the last of them - I got them done today after using them as leader/enders during the above mystery! And it was quick to put them together - which was nice.
I am going to get ll my blks together and then give this quit a 4" border. Then the binding which I might do a deep orange or purple even!! But I might do black..... (boring....) I am thinking the one on the right will be used as the border. It's pumpkins and I think it works for this quilt!! I have a close up it below.
These are more pics of the blks. Closer views. I ran out of the black pumpkin ribbon fabric so, I had to use plain black. I think it will look okay once in the quilt - right now it's kind of popping off the screen, but it's going to be fine. If not, it's okay. It's Halloween and doesn't have to be pretty - just fun!!
I really like the bats on the blue.

Here is the pumpkin fabric that I think will be it's border
The other is orange stars on the black background. I don't like it as much...... and besides, I have way more of the pumpkin one so....
I am now working on the border for the coffee quilt I did this summer. And that is what I just left on the ironing board when I decided I had been in my room long enough.
Today I was listening to Queen's greatest hits while I sewed, and I think I turned it on again and again about 4 times!!! (it could have been more....) I enjoy that album! Okay, CD - and soon it will be 'digital copy'...... And I am probably should be thinking of getting myself an MP3 player, just to have huge variety of music I can sing to while I sew. Some people whistle while they work. Me, I listen to books or music that fills my soul with joy and crank it loud!!! I was at one meeting once, a work meeting, where you bring your machine and sew. I was told, not to play music, (it was classical music, softly playing by my machine.....) by a woman who can be - difficult - but I love her, so I turned it off. But I did not understand it. Rock, yes, that I get and as loud as I would have it sometimes at home, I get, but elevator music just for background sound....... I still don't get it. And I know anyone else wouldn't have minded, but I never brought my music to share again. And that makes me sad because I enjoy music while I sew. It helps me keep moving and makes me smile and I just enjoy it!! What do you do while you sew?
I also listen to books!!! It's fun!!!
Today I was listening to Queen's greatest hits while I sewed, and I think I turned it on again and again about 4 times!!! (it could have been more....) I enjoy that album! Okay, CD - and soon it will be 'digital copy'...... And I am probably should be thinking of getting myself an MP3 player, just to have huge variety of music I can sing to while I sew. Some people whistle while they work. Me, I listen to books or music that fills my soul with joy and crank it loud!!! I was at one meeting once, a work meeting, where you bring your machine and sew. I was told, not to play music, (it was classical music, softly playing by my machine.....) by a woman who can be - difficult - but I love her, so I turned it off. But I did not understand it. Rock, yes, that I get and as loud as I would have it sometimes at home, I get, but elevator music just for background sound....... I still don't get it. And I know anyone else wouldn't have minded, but I never brought my music to share again. And that makes me sad because I enjoy music while I sew. It helps me keep moving and makes me smile and I just enjoy it!! What do you do while you sew?
I also listen to books!!! It's fun!!!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Snow has finally Arrived!! (but did it have to??)
It's not alot, but it's proof that is here. And last night, I was outside thinking "is it really going to snow?? It is so warm, I don't think it will...." and woke up to this!!
It was funny! When I opened the door to let the dog and cat out, and the cat who was waiting by to door as if to say, "What is taking you so long??" stopped completely when he looked outside!! Dead Stop! He was not moving!! So, I pushed him out with my foot - not meanly, just slowly and he did go but he was not expecting the snow either!!
What is on your crafting plate today? I plan on getting that Jelly Roll Mystery done today. But my big project is the pillowcases I want done for Dec 1st. And my daughter drew her Dad's name for stockings this year, and I have a stocking I have not finished for him yet (it has been ready to be made into stocking form for years..... this is the year.......) So, I will get that done right away, so she has it. And I have another project off my mind..... it's scary how many I actual have on the go.......
Enjoy your Saturday. Plumber will be here soon and I will have a dishwasher that works again!! Bye for now!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Remembrance Day
Today is a day to remember. One day we all share in the memories of people who fought to keep this country and others safe from harm. And we all know people who have fought for this - uncles, aunts. Friends and other family members. My mom had a brother who was in the 2nd World War, and her being very young when he got back, she would run out the door and let the door slam and what freaked her out, is this man, who she really didn't know, would dive for cover every time and scare her!! What did these men and woman go through?? And they did not have the help we have now for PTS. They just didn't talk about it...
My grandmother lived through both wars. And the second one, two of her sons were in it. So, yes, memories. Please take the time to remember today.
My grandmother lived through both wars. And the second one, two of her sons were in it. So, yes, memories. Please take the time to remember today.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Testing, testing, One, Two, Three....
I have found a colour test, so you can see what your favorite colour means to you! Actually, the thing I was reading was an article about colour and mentions books at the end, so I came on to see if they had any on-line tests and I found one. I did it and see what you think!
Here is one UFO - my daughters quilt, for her 16th birthday. She will be 20 at the end of the month.....
And another project waiting to be done......... Stonehenge. This is the start of the disappearing 9 patch - it is now done like that, but it's not finished. Wouldn't this make a neat twister quilt!! Okay, enough!!
I cleaned out quilt magazines from my room last night. I will not do most of those projects - so I took out the ones I liked and put them in page protectors and now I have my own 'magazine'!! Without the adds!!! And it's funny how I like all the projects in there!!
No, I did not throw out all my magazines, if they had more than 2 projects that I liked in them, they stayed + all the Quiltmakers...... but my shelf has more room - which is good because I needed someplace to put my new binder of projects!! And I will take the huge stack of go-aways that I do not want to my guild meeting tonight and let the other ladies have 'em. And what they don't take I just might leave for the Home Ec teacher - she can use them or throw them out. I do not want these back. So, garbage to me and that is good.
I am a 'hoarder' of recipe books and craft books that I am interested in. And enough is enough. Out with the old, and in with projects getting done and then that whole mess is out the door to!!! Between my paper collection (books, jotting down ideas on loose paper, pages taken loosely from magazines) and my collection of project half done, if that much done!! I have a problem!! And it's not fun to work around. So, no more working around it. If it's not helping, it's hindering and so out the door you go!!
So that is how it stands today. And my shelf, looked better after the over haul. Now, what to do with these books........ I went through them quickly last night, and pulled a few that I won't use again and the are with the magazines. But, I really need to go through them again and see if I really want them, or do I have them just because I wanted them all from the author (Judy Martin)... Seriously. Am I ever going to use these books or are they there for inspiration? Eye candy can be good!!! But I also want to make my room user friendly and not a cluttered up mess space!
Here is one UFO - my daughters quilt, for her 16th birthday. She will be 20 at the end of the month.....
And another project waiting to be done......... Stonehenge. This is the start of the disappearing 9 patch - it is now done like that, but it's not finished. Wouldn't this make a neat twister quilt!! Okay, enough!!
It is time for me to go and get this day - well afternoon started!! I have a quilt guild meeting to go to tonight, my first of the year. And since Hubby and daughter are on their way home from their job, I think I should make them dinner too!!! That would be nice I am thinking!!!
So here is a question, just because: Do you control time, or does time control you?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Dishwasher NOT installed.....
Had the person who is was going to install the dishwasher, here yesterday. He is a plumber and he told me the dishwasher I bought (it's a Bosch) is a very good one, but they have their own system that they run on and it's takes a bit of time to get things right for them to work - they are not just a hook this up, plug that in and it's good to go! They have a couple things that need to be set up right for them and he wishes Sears would tell people this when they buy this machine, so at least they are informed.
I told him that was not a problem, as long as it's done right, I am okay with it.
Now, here is the 'real' problem..... Water does not run uphill very well and, where the dishwasher drains, the pipe has a bow to it, and then the water that it is draining, well, it has to move up, before it can go out...... And, he won't put in this dishwasher until that is fixed.... Which is just fine with me, because that is the last thing you need - poor drainage!! And I am thinking this could be part of the problem of the dishwasher we have now - the icky water ends up back in it somehow because it couldn't drain properly. So, he will be back on Saturday - and hubby will be home too!! So yeah..... it will be interesting to see what happens then.....
He was not happy when I told him, what was going on and I that I told the plumber to come back and fix what was wrong, but I don't care. This is a maintenance issue with the house, and it is going to be done. Fixed and good to go.
And then hubby agreed. The thing that is almost funny: my dishwasher was on Sale!!! But the pluming bill is the same cost as my dishwasher!! Were did I save??
I am actually kidding - I am glad it's being fixed. I don't care the about the cost because not fixed could cause huge problems so, I just want it done. And this is something I was not aware of, but when pointed out to me, you could see it!!! And Terry said, when we were talking, that he had noticed the bow.....???
What I was not happy about - the plumber asked if we had solved the mouse problem. Uh, what?? "The mouse problem", he answers. "What mouse problem?????" Under the dishwasher, is mouse droppings!! Granted, he told me they were old droppings, but I don't care!!! YUCK!!!! So, now I am cleaning up that mess and finding traps to prevent it from happening again. He told me mice love dishwashers!!! They are warm and cozy and they just love to be around them!!!
Right now, with the weather being as warm as it is, I could see mice moving in. They know it is going to get cold out soon and are looking for good places to hole up for the winter. And last night, probably just because he mentioned mice, I am sure that one was in the wall by the garage because you could hear squeaking and our cat JC was very interested in that area....... And Terry had seen a mouse in the garage the other day....
Here is the last of the articles questions!
7) What gives you a sense of fulfillment?
(and the article continues here...) Fun is great, but don't forget to ask question 7. Everyone desires a sense of accomplishment and success. What makes you feel great deep down in your soul?
If you have an established business, consider retuning to your original passion. Get in touch with what drove you and get back to doing the things you can't wait to do each day. Who knows - maybe you won't want to sell your business after all.
Remember, this article was by Eric Gilboord, and it's not about 'creativity per say, but the questions are about you. And what do you want in your day to day life. And how to get more of what you love and enjoy into those days!!!!
NOT a mouse!! This is one of my Chinchillas. I think it's funny I picked this pic, not realizing what it looked like till it posted!!! Okay, so even though the mouse problem is not funny, you have to laugh and not stress about it. Now that I know there is a problem - I will fix it!
Have a great Wednesday and enjoy yourself. I will be sewing for part of this day.... that is the plan.
I told him that was not a problem, as long as it's done right, I am okay with it.
Now, here is the 'real' problem..... Water does not run uphill very well and, where the dishwasher drains, the pipe has a bow to it, and then the water that it is draining, well, it has to move up, before it can go out...... And, he won't put in this dishwasher until that is fixed.... Which is just fine with me, because that is the last thing you need - poor drainage!! And I am thinking this could be part of the problem of the dishwasher we have now - the icky water ends up back in it somehow because it couldn't drain properly. So, he will be back on Saturday - and hubby will be home too!! So yeah..... it will be interesting to see what happens then.....
He was not happy when I told him, what was going on and I that I told the plumber to come back and fix what was wrong, but I don't care. This is a maintenance issue with the house, and it is going to be done. Fixed and good to go.
And then hubby agreed. The thing that is almost funny: my dishwasher was on Sale!!! But the pluming bill is the same cost as my dishwasher!! Were did I save??
I am actually kidding - I am glad it's being fixed. I don't care the about the cost because not fixed could cause huge problems so, I just want it done. And this is something I was not aware of, but when pointed out to me, you could see it!!! And Terry said, when we were talking, that he had noticed the bow.....???
What I was not happy about - the plumber asked if we had solved the mouse problem. Uh, what?? "The mouse problem", he answers. "What mouse problem?????" Under the dishwasher, is mouse droppings!! Granted, he told me they were old droppings, but I don't care!!! YUCK!!!! So, now I am cleaning up that mess and finding traps to prevent it from happening again. He told me mice love dishwashers!!! They are warm and cozy and they just love to be around them!!!
Right now, with the weather being as warm as it is, I could see mice moving in. They know it is going to get cold out soon and are looking for good places to hole up for the winter. And last night, probably just because he mentioned mice, I am sure that one was in the wall by the garage because you could hear squeaking and our cat JC was very interested in that area....... And Terry had seen a mouse in the garage the other day....
Here is the last of the articles questions!
7) What gives you a sense of fulfillment?
(and the article continues here...) Fun is great, but don't forget to ask question 7. Everyone desires a sense of accomplishment and success. What makes you feel great deep down in your soul?
If you have an established business, consider retuning to your original passion. Get in touch with what drove you and get back to doing the things you can't wait to do each day. Who knows - maybe you won't want to sell your business after all.
Remember, this article was by Eric Gilboord, and it's not about 'creativity per say, but the questions are about you. And what do you want in your day to day life. And how to get more of what you love and enjoy into those days!!!!
NOT a mouse!! This is one of my Chinchillas. I think it's funny I picked this pic, not realizing what it looked like till it posted!!! Okay, so even though the mouse problem is not funny, you have to laugh and not stress about it. Now that I know there is a problem - I will fix it!
Have a great Wednesday and enjoy yourself. I will be sewing for part of this day.... that is the plan.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
New Dishwasher being Installed today!!
It's been over a week since I went and bought a dishwasher and today is the day they are putting it in!! And taking away the old one that the girls taped a note to the front:
So, you know there is a problem when....
And today, there will be a new one in it's place. They will be here soon, so I need to get some stuff moved away from the front door!! They are installing the new guy and taking this old one away with them! And I don't have to worry about it not being installed right - so win/win!!! And everyone will be happier than they are now - because as they are putting the 'clean' dishes away, some just would go right back into the sink - and now that should not happen. I guess after 10 yrs, it's okay it wants out of here!!!
This is the start to step 5 of the Jelly Roll mystery. Hmmm, not very flattering.... but this is not how I will sew them, they were just put up there. I have a few rows to play with and the yellow is very strong..... eh, it will be bright and sunny and my daughters made a comment about the blue yesterday being water and I thought "Sunshine and Rain" should be this quilts name!!
This pattern is fun to do. I honestly thought the big pieces we made would be being cut up into smaller ones, then pieces together again!! But nope - you use as is and it is a quick quilt project!! And a baby quilt would be fun, so would a Christmas one - was thinking doing some blks all red, others in greens and the background in creams and golds....... And I wounder why I start so many things!! I want to see what they would look like in 'real life' and not just a picture on a page!!!
And on the Rush Hour game, I am on the 3rd deck, which when I opened it, my last game would have been #27. It has me stumped right now on #6!! I will get through it though, did before, I will again!!
Put your thinking caps on and answer this question to find out more of who you are....
6) What activities do you like to do?
Well, not house work, and I have to do a little before the crew comes to switch out dishwashers, so I have to get off here!!
But I will be thinking of things I like to do. To get my creativity up and feel that energy that comes when I just have to do something!! Shop Hopping with friends!!! That is one activity I love to do!!! How 'bout you!?
Monday, November 7, 2011
Plans today
Last night, I could not help myself. I found a pattern for a table runner that I had printed off. It is a Christmas one called "Christmas Stars Runner" - well. It looks easy. Quick to do, so.... yup. I started to go through my fabrics. And I did not come across anything that I liked. It was okay, but not, eh... right. So, I changed tactics. Why does it have to be in the greens and reds like the pattern? Well, it doesn't! So, look at your fabrics with a new eye then, and what do you see??? This!!! The background (cream) will be the light, variegated purple pinkish fabric. The star center will be the purple stars (for some reason I love this fabric!!! This pic does not make it look very good, but I really like it!!) The red part is now the pink and the green star point is the purple with the snowflakes on it!! It's only November and this will last through January too!!! I do not have to put it away because it's "Christmas" stuff!!! And, if I do find it as easy as I think it will be - I can make one just for Christmas then!! (oh heck, why not make one for Halloween too!! ) Birthday celebrations, everyday star runner...... see what happens when I let myself play!! No wounder I have so many UFO's (and like alien fabrics so much!!).
Today, I plan on sewing - all day!!! (lets see how that goes!!). On the Rush Hour game, I am on Deck two, card #32. Eight more cards then I am onto deck 3!! The limo deck!! I have played some of deck 3, but I have not finished it yet. I have not even opened #4, so this will be fun. Then what am I going to do???
5) What is fun for you and not work?
Going to craft shows was my first though on this question!!! We have the Butterdome Festival here in December. And I had heard about it for years, but one day, the girls had their ortho appointments early that morning, and as we left, I asked them if they would like to go check out this 'butterdome' things, if I could find it?? Well, I am so glad they said yes, because for me, it is heaven!!!! I have gone every year since, on the first day and I won't miss it!! I take the girls out of school so they can come to and we go look at all the things artists from across this country have done and it magical!! The things I see, the energy I get from the displays, the excitement I feel in the room........ it's my own personal little happy drug!!! And I love it.
But does he mean when you are at work, what is fun and not 'work'?? Then that is a different question!! Then, that would be, when I was working, talking to the customers. Helping them get what they need.
But seriously, even in a 'chore' you do not like, there is something okay about it that is okay to do....... that makes it bearable. That can get you through doing it!! For me, one job I absolutely HATED, the only thing that got me through the day was, as soon as I got there, I would tell myself I was almost done. Yup, you are almost finished. Oh, look, it's almost time to go home ---- even when it was still 7-8 hrs away........ And it made the job easier because I could go home in a few minutes!!!! I only had a few more minutes to go, then I am outta here!!!!
Today, I plan on sewing - all day!!! (lets see how that goes!!). On the Rush Hour game, I am on Deck two, card #32. Eight more cards then I am onto deck 3!! The limo deck!! I have played some of deck 3, but I have not finished it yet. I have not even opened #4, so this will be fun. Then what am I going to do???
5) What is fun for you and not work?
Going to craft shows was my first though on this question!!! We have the Butterdome Festival here in December. And I had heard about it for years, but one day, the girls had their ortho appointments early that morning, and as we left, I asked them if they would like to go check out this 'butterdome' things, if I could find it?? Well, I am so glad they said yes, because for me, it is heaven!!!! I have gone every year since, on the first day and I won't miss it!! I take the girls out of school so they can come to and we go look at all the things artists from across this country have done and it magical!! The things I see, the energy I get from the displays, the excitement I feel in the room........ it's my own personal little happy drug!!! And I love it.
But does he mean when you are at work, what is fun and not 'work'?? Then that is a different question!! Then, that would be, when I was working, talking to the customers. Helping them get what they need.
But seriously, even in a 'chore' you do not like, there is something okay about it that is okay to do....... that makes it bearable. That can get you through doing it!! For me, one job I absolutely HATED, the only thing that got me through the day was, as soon as I got there, I would tell myself I was almost done. Yup, you are almost finished. Oh, look, it's almost time to go home ---- even when it was still 7-8 hrs away........ And it made the job easier because I could go home in a few minutes!!!! I only had a few more minutes to go, then I am outta here!!!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Daylight Savings Time
Are you in an area where you have to turn your clocks back? And did you remember to do it last night?? Yesterday, I commented on how dark it was at 8am, well, today, it's bright again!! Funny how that happens!! So, if you have not done it, change your clocks back!!!
Yesterday, I finished the card deck that comes with the Rush Hour game I told you about on Friday. And I made a mistake, I said I had 4 extra decks, no, I have 3, extra decks!! It's 4 decks all together. The 2nd set has a convertible red car to play with, 3rd is a limo! and the 4the deck has a Taxi that you have to get out of the grid lock!! And that seems appropriate!! I really enjoy this puzzle game and yes, it would make a great Christmas gift for anyone!! I remember my daughter and her friend working on them together one day! They were in what?? Grade 4? (they are both graduated and the friend is now a mother herself so, yes, I have had this game awhile!!)
And yesterday, when I was doing my 20 minutes of sewing, and that was ALL I was going to do, well, I didn't stop when the buzzer went off! (yes, I do time myself!! especially for when I fall behind - I want to make sure I have actually done my 'time'!! And not cheat!!) That makes it sound like sewing is prison time!!! But either way, it makes a HUGE difference in my productivity!! So, since this is working for me, I am going to stick with it!!
Anyways, here is my Step 4 from the Jelly Roll Mystery I am still doing!! But, I have pulled out step 5 last night and it's is not what I thought!!! Remember, I didn't peek, so it kinda surprised me!!! I will be working on that today.
And so, we are here again: the question of the day!! I don't know 'bout you, but these questions are hard for me!! And so this one,
4) What really tuns you on???
to me, it's the same as 'what are you passionate about?? And I had trouble with that one!! Which tells me, I have got to get to know myself!! And why am I hiding - or better yet - what am I hiding???
What turns me on? What excites me? Well, different things at different times. I left my guild last year - 2010 - and I was told this year when they were starting up again, that I was coming back, kicking and screaming, I was coming back!! I guess they miss me there, I had a couple people tell me this - things are, different, quieter, I don't know, I am not there!! But I do know if I see something I like, I am excitable about it!! Animated I guess you could say. Ah, I'll admit it!! I let the joy out!!! And I am not always quiet about it either!! Like a little kid in the candy store, I have to see what's going on!!!
But, what really turns me on? Gets the energy flowing, the ideas flying, the excitement to build..... Good question. I will think on it today.....
Yesterday, I finished the card deck that comes with the Rush Hour game I told you about on Friday. And I made a mistake, I said I had 4 extra decks, no, I have 3, extra decks!! It's 4 decks all together. The 2nd set has a convertible red car to play with, 3rd is a limo! and the 4the deck has a Taxi that you have to get out of the grid lock!! And that seems appropriate!! I really enjoy this puzzle game and yes, it would make a great Christmas gift for anyone!! I remember my daughter and her friend working on them together one day! They were in what?? Grade 4? (they are both graduated and the friend is now a mother herself so, yes, I have had this game awhile!!)
And yesterday, when I was doing my 20 minutes of sewing, and that was ALL I was going to do, well, I didn't stop when the buzzer went off! (yes, I do time myself!! especially for when I fall behind - I want to make sure I have actually done my 'time'!! And not cheat!!) That makes it sound like sewing is prison time!!! But either way, it makes a HUGE difference in my productivity!! So, since this is working for me, I am going to stick with it!!
Anyways, here is my Step 4 from the Jelly Roll Mystery I am still doing!! But, I have pulled out step 5 last night and it's is not what I thought!!! Remember, I didn't peek, so it kinda surprised me!!! I will be working on that today.
And so, we are here again: the question of the day!! I don't know 'bout you, but these questions are hard for me!! And so this one,
4) What really tuns you on???
to me, it's the same as 'what are you passionate about?? And I had trouble with that one!! Which tells me, I have got to get to know myself!! And why am I hiding - or better yet - what am I hiding???
What turns me on? What excites me? Well, different things at different times. I left my guild last year - 2010 - and I was told this year when they were starting up again, that I was coming back, kicking and screaming, I was coming back!! I guess they miss me there, I had a couple people tell me this - things are, different, quieter, I don't know, I am not there!! But I do know if I see something I like, I am excitable about it!! Animated I guess you could say. Ah, I'll admit it!! I let the joy out!!! And I am not always quiet about it either!! Like a little kid in the candy store, I have to see what's going on!!!
But, what really turns me on? Gets the energy flowing, the ideas flying, the excitement to build..... Good question. I will think on it today.....
Saturday, November 5, 2011
It is dark here still at 8am - I have to turn on lights!!! And the heater keeps kicking in, so that is not a good sign either!! I am thinking it's starting to turn into that cold white season I am not really looking forward too!
I heard yesterday, they had snow in Calgary, and even around us up here, but we have not had any in our yard yet - but the temps are down...... So, it will be happening soon!
Today Question:
How do you want to spend your time?
Hmmmm. This is a good one. I would love to spend my time exploring - going on adventures, day trips, doing things I have not done. At home I would like to spend it playing board games with my family, have fun dinners where everyone chips in, and then I am seeing myself outdoors, around a campfire (well, not NOW, in this weather!! But in summer and stuff!!!) I guess, just connecting with the people I love, meeting more and learning more about the world we live in. I want to spend my time living, doing things I want to do.
And that is my 'short' answer!!
Have a fun Saturday - lets go sew!!!
I heard yesterday, they had snow in Calgary, and even around us up here, but we have not had any in our yard yet - but the temps are down...... So, it will be happening soon!
Today Question:
How do you want to spend your time?
Hmmmm. This is a good one. I would love to spend my time exploring - going on adventures, day trips, doing things I have not done. At home I would like to spend it playing board games with my family, have fun dinners where everyone chips in, and then I am seeing myself outdoors, around a campfire (well, not NOW, in this weather!! But in summer and stuff!!!) I guess, just connecting with the people I love, meeting more and learning more about the world we live in. I want to spend my time living, doing things I want to do.
And that is my 'short' answer!!
Have a fun Saturday - lets go sew!!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday!! Could it be Movie Night then???
On Friday's when the girls were little - we do 'movie night'!! We, I mean "I", would plan a snack food or two, we would all have picked our show from home, or gone to the video store, and then we would park ourselves in front of the TV and go on an adventure!!!
Good memories. Fun times!!! And now, we do not do that so much anymore..... but it is Friday!! Snack night and good times can still be had!!! I might just make popcorn for dinner and call it good!!!
Okay, on to more fun things! Have you ever gone to Thousands of Bolts? Well, I found them the other day when someone had mentioned that they liked their service and the prices were good. So, I found myself playing yesterday!! Oops!! And today I get an email that they are having a sale!!! I should have waited!!! But then again, maybe they would have been out of what I ordered.... yeah, that makes me feel better!!!
I have now bought a selection of 'reds' for Bonnie Hunter's new mystery coming up on the 18th - I am excited to be doing this!! (me, who was not going to start anything new??!! That is not working out very well!!! But I am having fun!!!). And I also got some blacks as I do not have a wide selection of that one either. I shop for what I like, not in colour categories, but I am thinking I am going to have start re-thinking that plan!!!
And here is another thing I have been doing - have you ever played the game Rush Hour?? It's a puzzle game, where you lay your pieces on a grid, the red car is you, and you have to find a way out of the mess??
This is where I finally left it last night, at midnight!!! It's an addictive little game!! I set up card #29 - and went to bed!!! How will I get the red car free???
I am not worried, I've done the first deck before, so I know it's do-able. My daughter asked me why I was not playing at the card deck I am actually on (I have 4 other decks for this game, and realized last night, the last deck has not even been opened yet!!! Exciting!!!) I told her, I have not played in so long, I am just going to start over from the beginning. And my other reason?? I bought my sister this yesterday, and when she phones to ask for help - I will know what she is talking about!!! And this would make a great gift for anyone of any age!!! The one I bought yesterday was just over $20 and I mean it's hours of play here!!
And on to today's question. Put your creative thinking caps on and answer this one today. It should be easier than yesterdays:
When you wake up what do you wish you could be doing?
Good question!! That will be interesting to see what answers you get!! Me, it would be looking at beautiful mountains and at the lake outside my house as I drink my morning tea and eat my breakfast, but, that is not were I am at right now. This is a wish list. Not how it 'really is' - so today, go dream of what you would like to do when you wake up!!!!
Good memories. Fun times!!! And now, we do not do that so much anymore..... but it is Friday!! Snack night and good times can still be had!!! I might just make popcorn for dinner and call it good!!!
Okay, on to more fun things! Have you ever gone to Thousands of Bolts? Well, I found them the other day when someone had mentioned that they liked their service and the prices were good. So, I found myself playing yesterday!! Oops!! And today I get an email that they are having a sale!!! I should have waited!!! But then again, maybe they would have been out of what I ordered.... yeah, that makes me feel better!!!
I have now bought a selection of 'reds' for Bonnie Hunter's new mystery coming up on the 18th - I am excited to be doing this!! (me, who was not going to start anything new??!! That is not working out very well!!! But I am having fun!!!). And I also got some blacks as I do not have a wide selection of that one either. I shop for what I like, not in colour categories, but I am thinking I am going to have start re-thinking that plan!!!
And here is another thing I have been doing - have you ever played the game Rush Hour?? It's a puzzle game, where you lay your pieces on a grid, the red car is you, and you have to find a way out of the mess??
This is where I finally left it last night, at midnight!!! It's an addictive little game!! I set up card #29 - and went to bed!!! How will I get the red car free???
I am not worried, I've done the first deck before, so I know it's do-able. My daughter asked me why I was not playing at the card deck I am actually on (I have 4 other decks for this game, and realized last night, the last deck has not even been opened yet!!! Exciting!!!) I told her, I have not played in so long, I am just going to start over from the beginning. And my other reason?? I bought my sister this yesterday, and when she phones to ask for help - I will know what she is talking about!!! And this would make a great gift for anyone of any age!!! The one I bought yesterday was just over $20 and I mean it's hours of play here!!
And on to today's question. Put your creative thinking caps on and answer this one today. It should be easier than yesterdays:
When you wake up what do you wish you could be doing?
Good question!! That will be interesting to see what answers you get!! Me, it would be looking at beautiful mountains and at the lake outside my house as I drink my morning tea and eat my breakfast, but, that is not were I am at right now. This is a wish list. Not how it 'really is' - so today, go dream of what you would like to do when you wake up!!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thursday - All Day!!
Well, I figured out what to say today. I was reading my Costco magazine that they send in the mail and sometimes the articles can catch my eye. This one did. It was in the business section, but this is not about business so much as the people running the business, which, well, is the business. I don't know about you, but when I shop, I shop more for how I feel in the store then anything else, so yes, customer service (or lack there of....) makes a difference to me! So, enough of that - on to the questions!
This is where I got these questions from - I am going to post them one a day! Give you time to think about them. I was thinking the first one was easy, till I started to write down what my answer was.... So. Find your genius inside you and:
#1 - What are you passionate about?
I have actually wrote this on a 4x6 recipe card to take with me today as I do all my running around, so when something hits me, I can just jot it down!! Because, I thought, oh, this is easy.... and when I thought about what lights my fire, keeps me up at night because I just can't put it down, nothing really came to mind. And it makes me wounder, how deep have I buried all my dreams???
What is my passion?? Sure I 'like' things, but am I passionate about them??? There are times when I loose time working on something, but that is not all the time and not often either......
Time to get myself going. I have a busy morning ahead of me and then lunch with my big sister!!! So gotta go!!!
This is where I got these questions from - I am going to post them one a day! Give you time to think about them. I was thinking the first one was easy, till I started to write down what my answer was.... So. Find your genius inside you and:
#1 - What are you passionate about?
I have actually wrote this on a 4x6 recipe card to take with me today as I do all my running around, so when something hits me, I can just jot it down!! Because, I thought, oh, this is easy.... and when I thought about what lights my fire, keeps me up at night because I just can't put it down, nothing really came to mind. And it makes me wounder, how deep have I buried all my dreams???
What is my passion?? Sure I 'like' things, but am I passionate about them??? There are times when I loose time working on something, but that is not all the time and not often either......
Time to get myself going. I have a busy morning ahead of me and then lunch with my big sister!!! So gotta go!!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wednesday - And I am back!!
I am starting out today by getting my crock pot all set up with this Taco Soup - found on Stephanie O'Dea's site! When I told my family I was making this (I had just gotten Stephanie's book "Make it Fast, Cook it Slow" - I got some funny looks. I made it anyway and it was a HIT!! So, today, I am making it again and that way, no matter what I do (or don't do....) I have supper made!! And you can eat it whenever you are ready to - or not!! This makes great leftovers!!!
The rest of my day - Working on the jelly roll mystery I told you about yesterday. I was - still am, on step 4, and today, I will finish that step, then move onto the end steps......
And I bought myself a Cutting Edge ruler. One quilt shop I was at this summer told me they have been using them for cutting their fabrics and that they are not going through rotary blades like they used to since they started using these rulers so...... I got myself a 6.5"x12.5". Tried it for the first time last night..... It makes a scratchy sound as you cut that takes a minute to get used to and the numbers are different..... I am very used to Omni Grid and this is not the same!!! But, I think it will be okay. I bought it mostly to see if it would keep the blade sharp, and for cutting up my scraps!! Oh, that link will take you to a Pat Sloan demonstration of the rulers!! enjoy!!
The rest of my day - Working on the jelly roll mystery I told you about yesterday. I was - still am, on step 4, and today, I will finish that step, then move onto the end steps......
And I bought myself a Cutting Edge ruler. One quilt shop I was at this summer told me they have been using them for cutting their fabrics and that they are not going through rotary blades like they used to since they started using these rulers so...... I got myself a 6.5"x12.5". Tried it for the first time last night..... It makes a scratchy sound as you cut that takes a minute to get used to and the numbers are different..... I am very used to Omni Grid and this is not the same!!! But, I think it will be okay. I bought it mostly to see if it would keep the blade sharp, and for cutting up my scraps!! Oh, that link will take you to a Pat Sloan demonstration of the rulers!! enjoy!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
November 1st - Wow, been awhile!
I thought I would come on here and say 'hi' - not my idea, but one I read when I was blog hopping the afternoon!! And found this!!- well, she is doing a challenge to blog everyday........ hmmmmm. So this is why I am here!!
This brown basket quilt (and I am not a basket fan but LOVE THIS!!!!) was a mystery I did over the summer, just to get me back sewing.... which I tend to not do - bad habit #1.
I am still doing my 20 minutes of sewing a day - totally caught up till hubby came home... guilt I guess. I don't know. He LIKES seeing me in there, so I do not know why, when he's home, I change....... Bad habit #2....
I do have border ideas for this little guy, and after I read this I know I have to get a few things done around here!!! The link takes you to Bonnie Hunters new MYSTERY!!! She is calling it Orca Bay, and I am going to have to do some shopping for it!! I have the blues, and some background, but I do not have many reds or blacks so..... what's a girl to do???
(Besides clean up my room I mean!!!!)
And here is another Mystery I am working on - it's all finished now, it was a one-day fun time, but I am only on Step 4 - and so is my friend who did it with me!! Does not make me feel better though!! She's been busy, I have not!!!!
These are the main blks - well, the backgrounds have been cut out of the pic - but this is the main component. Even though I have printed off the last steps - I did not peek!! So, I still don't know what I am doing after I finish this step:
This is the future border of this project.... I think it has to much yellow in it, but if winter ever does come (and it's okay if it doesn't!!!) I might like how happy it looks with all the yellows!!!
So, my main reason for blogging today is - what bad habits do you have that you would like to change??
Me, I have already told you two - and I have more.... and one is not blogging... I love to read, but feel I don't have much to share/show or talk about so, I stay quiet......... This month, I will work on changing that. Plus, - well, another reason I don't come on here is it takes me FOREVER to write this!!! I loose my pics, I keep working at getting them to go where I want and.... It's all a learning curve, I am ready to drive!!!
And my worse habit? Dare I admit it??? It's not like you can't tell, but I hate housework!!!!
So, that is another habit that I will change this month. Well, I probably will still not like it, but the habit I am talking about is - pretending I don't see it!! This month, I will see it and I will do something about it!!!!
And then, when I am working on my new mystery (along with my other projects - they will be done as leader and enders!!!) I might enjoy my tidy, organized sewing area even more!!!! (habit #5?? are we there yet, or passed it???? Well, it's not cleaning up after myself in my room - I just push it aside and move on......)
I have a friend who is going through some tough times and I tell her it's all in the habits we keep. And when I hear myself tell her that, I know that I am also speaking to myself. So, it's a new year coming up, and now is a good as time as any to work on making real changes in my life. If not not now - when??? So, how 'bout now? My plans are to get myself organized and pick up what I see needs it. Get things done, not just think about it. I CAN do it, so I will.
I love to see what people are working on and I should let others see what I do too!!
On a little different note: here is a piece of Trivia. I just heard this on the radio yesterday. I live in Alberta, near Edmonton, and I guess this area has not had a snow free October since 1963.
So, now it's October 2011 - that was a 48 year record that just got broken. hmmmmmm - has this area ever had a snow free November?????
if when I stick to my 'new' plan - I'll talk to you tomorrow!!!
And while I am here, show you what I have done, well, a couple pics anyway.... got my camera back (stole it back!! just for this!!!) and memory is full after 3 pics!! So, here they are:
This brown basket quilt (and I am not a basket fan but LOVE THIS!!!!) was a mystery I did over the summer, just to get me back sewing.... which I tend to not do - bad habit #1.
I am still doing my 20 minutes of sewing a day - totally caught up till hubby came home... guilt I guess. I don't know. He LIKES seeing me in there, so I do not know why, when he's home, I change....... Bad habit #2....
I do have border ideas for this little guy, and after I read this I know I have to get a few things done around here!!! The link takes you to Bonnie Hunters new MYSTERY!!! She is calling it Orca Bay, and I am going to have to do some shopping for it!! I have the blues, and some background, but I do not have many reds or blacks so..... what's a girl to do???
(Besides clean up my room I mean!!!!)
And here is another Mystery I am working on - it's all finished now, it was a one-day fun time, but I am only on Step 4 - and so is my friend who did it with me!! Does not make me feel better though!! She's been busy, I have not!!!!
These are the main blks - well, the backgrounds have been cut out of the pic - but this is the main component. Even though I have printed off the last steps - I did not peek!! So, I still don't know what I am doing after I finish this step:
This is the future border of this project.... I think it has to much yellow in it, but if winter ever does come (and it's okay if it doesn't!!!) I might like how happy it looks with all the yellows!!!
So, my main reason for blogging today is - what bad habits do you have that you would like to change??
Me, I have already told you two - and I have more.... and one is not blogging... I love to read, but feel I don't have much to share/show or talk about so, I stay quiet......... This month, I will work on changing that. Plus, - well, another reason I don't come on here is it takes me FOREVER to write this!!! I loose my pics, I keep working at getting them to go where I want and.... It's all a learning curve, I am ready to drive!!!
And my worse habit? Dare I admit it??? It's not like you can't tell, but I hate housework!!!!
So, that is another habit that I will change this month. Well, I probably will still not like it, but the habit I am talking about is - pretending I don't see it!! This month, I will see it and I will do something about it!!!!
And then, when I am working on my new mystery (along with my other projects - they will be done as leader and enders!!!) I might enjoy my tidy, organized sewing area even more!!!! (habit #5?? are we there yet, or passed it???? Well, it's not cleaning up after myself in my room - I just push it aside and move on......)
I have a friend who is going through some tough times and I tell her it's all in the habits we keep. And when I hear myself tell her that, I know that I am also speaking to myself. So, it's a new year coming up, and now is a good as time as any to work on making real changes in my life. If not not now - when??? So, how 'bout now? My plans are to get myself organized and pick up what I see needs it. Get things done, not just think about it. I CAN do it, so I will.
I love to see what people are working on and I should let others see what I do too!!
On a little different note: here is a piece of Trivia. I just heard this on the radio yesterday. I live in Alberta, near Edmonton, and I guess this area has not had a snow free October since 1963.
So, now it's October 2011 - that was a 48 year record that just got broken. hmmmmmm - has this area ever had a snow free November?????
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